What ppl are suggesting is calculating you gas requirements for each dive you do, i.e. "Rock Bottom" ascent pressure, how much gas do I need to safely get me and my buddy to the surface? Its explained very well here: http://www.scubaboard.com/showpost.php?p=401869&postcount=65
Thanks for the link, that is an excellent link. Looking at it, my dive 60-80ft was just spot on for the air calculation, ie: 1000 PSI to turn around. Well, ofcourse I did not "calculate" persay but that's what was my profile and I have been comfortably dive with that for a while so I am pretty ok with it. Will look at the formular and plan my dive when I change my dive.
There seems to be a misunderstanding of 'rock bottom' or rule of thirds here. You use 1/3 of your tank to go out - 1/3 to go back, and 1/3 for emergencies. You turn the dive with 2/3 left.......
Ehhhh, each dive profile is diff from one another. Mine are pretty much recreation and no overhead, no cave, no tech stuff so doing 1/3 tank out and then return... boy it sure cut short the enjoyment of diving