Nicaraguan Pacific Diving?

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I am looking for any advice on how to obtain or view an ocean floor/"bathymetry" map of the Pacific coastline of Nicaragua. Also, does anyone have any possible leads to diving in this Pacific area. I know of one operation out of San Jaun Del Sur called Scuba Shack but that's all I have found. I am researching possible scuba diving options/sites for farther up north and have searched for many hours online, but have been unable to locate anything with quality detail. A few maps did show bathymetry but nothing in detail for that specific area of Central America. Unfortunately, the Pacific coastline of Nicaragua has few actual islands that would show up on terrestrial oriented maps, so I believe locating areas that are elevated in the water column (via maps) will provide the best possibilities. I am beginning to think that either this area has not been dove much or not well docemented. Any advice out there would be much appreciated. Thankyou.

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