Newly Cert. Texas Diver just wanting to say hi!!

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Tyler, TX
Hi all!!

The basics:
22 yr old guy in Mechanical Engineering program(senior finally.. yay!!!) at Univ. Texas at Tyler. I have a fiance that I love and we're getting married in March. She'll be certified by the end of Sept.

I got certified last week(starting in on AOW next week), and finally got my gear in, so I'm gonna be diving all over Texas. I'll probably stay within about a 3 hr drive of Tyler TX (2 hrs east of Dallas..right by Athens). If anybody's going diving in that area just let me know and I would love to join you or your group!!:) :)
Welcome to the boards pikachoo! Congrats on your OW and wish your fiance luck one her's!

Dive Safe!
There is a group of us at Athens and/or at CSSP almost every weekend. I'm doing Dive Master training at Athens a couple weekends each month. My truck is in the shop from having a tree land on it and I'm recouping an upper respiratory inf.

Look forward to meeting with you sometime.

Glad to hear that we've added one more to the ranks of the certified. Congrats, on both the compleation of your OW class and your pending marriage. Diving together as husband and wife can be very rewarding as well as a real chore. My wife and I dive together, she's AOW and I'm an Instructor. Sometimes I forget that she's not quite as advanced as I am and I have to stop and think about what it was like when I was an AOW grad. Have fun, good luck in the future, and if you're ever down the South Florida way drop me a line and maybe we can all get together and show ya'll the fine wrecks we have down here.

welcome to the board :)
always nice to have another diving mechanical engineer on board. i'm recently certified as well and just finished my master's in ME last year. i also use to live/work in TX (dallas).

now if i was just getting married soon we'd have eerily parallel lives. but alas, i am very single :(

anyway, welcome aboard. i browsed through here before, during, and after my OW classes and easily learned 10x as much as i did in class. great resource.

Thanks for the kind greetings guys. Hey TwoBitTxn, I'll definitely be looking forward to meeting you!! Were you at CSSP the other week at the scavenger hunt???

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