Newly addicted diver signing on

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Hoser/English Translator, eh
Reaction score
North Vancouver, B.C.

I'm new to the board and new to the sport. My wife and I are avid outdoor adventure sports enthusiasts (whitewater kayaking, rockclimbing, mountainbiking, backcountry skiing) and have wanted for as long as we can remember (well at least since I got the GI Joe w/Kung-Fu grip scuba diver complete with shark for Christmas when I was three in my case...) to try diving. We just returned from Maui where we were certified and now each have 8 ocean dives under our weight belts.

Ok, we are hooked, we are planning on taking our advanced class within the next month and will keep on going.

Only one problem we see so do you find time to do ALL the sports you want on those oh so short weekends? :confused:
Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy the board. Oh and welcome to the diving world.

welcome to the boarbwerbd :)
Welcome to the board from the warm waters of Asia! As I've heard, yes, we're all (S)elf (C)onfessed (U)nderwater (B)reathing (A)ddicts. Hey, if I could dive twice every weekend, I'll be permanently under narcosis. Dive safe and all the best with AOW.:)
Being new to the sport I know how you feel. I am trying to sell my toys (motorcycles) to make room for diving. I need more three day weekends.

Take care.
Hi and welcome to the boards bwerb!

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