Newbie in Atlanta area

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Hey y'all...

Newbie here. DH and I are looking to get started. We'd like to get scuba certified for our 10-year wedding anniversary.

Any advice is greatly appreciated :wink: and I look forward to getting to know you.
Welcome to ScubaBoard.

It won't take long for your fellow Georgians to recommend different dive ops in you area and local diving holes. Also keep in mind your close proximity to the Gulf of Mex, the springs in FLs panhandle and throughout it's peninsula, and of course the Atlantic Coast - all less than a days worth of driving from you.
Welcome Ragin,

What kind of diving do you like? If your like me I'll about dive anything. You have several options.

- Close and VERY inexpensive...Lake Lanier. Over at the Dam at West Bank Park. Look at this thread

- A couple hours from Atlanta...Lake Jocassee in SC. Never been there myself but hear its a pretty good dive for a lake and being pretty close and inexpensive. They have dive platforms and alot of stuff to do/see.

- A few more hours drive...Gulf of Mexico. The panhandle has a few jetties for inexpensive shore dives. I'm more familiar with the PCB Jetties. Make sure you dive during high-slack tide. And try and never dive during low tide. As the current is so strong you will be holding on to the big boulders to keep from being pulled out to sea.

- About 9 - 10 hrs away you have West Palm Beach. Generally great vis, and awsome drift dives along the reef.

Also you have the keys a little further south about a 12 to 14 hour drive I'm told. (never been there).

And don't forget to check out the N.C. wrecks.

BTW if you ever want to go out to Lanier and try it let me know.

Thanks for the warm reception.

DH and I have never dived. We've been snorkeling in Mexico and in Florida. DD likes to snorkel, too.

I've read a lot about Lake Lanier and diving. Perhaps that's where we can get our "fins wet."

DH and I love the beach/ocean, and ship wrecks sound interesting.

I'll keep reading and learning :)
Hey y'all...

Newbie here. DH and I are looking to get started. We'd like to get scuba certified for our 10-year wedding anniversary.

Any advice is greatly appreciated :wink: and I look forward to getting to know you.

What part of Atlanta are you in?
Welcome to the Board...

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