I did two dives today at La Jolla Shores, with a brief time in the canyon on each dive. It was quite nice.
On the first dive I went out with Greg who was suiting up a couple of cars from me. We did a lengthy (for me anyway) surface swim out right in front of the main lifeguard tower. We dropped down just short of the canyon at 9:51 am. We continued down the canyon wall to 91' and then began making our way north and slowly making our way up. Then headed back due east and continued to around 20' before coming up for the swim in.
Vis on this dive was 5' for the first 10' and then less for about another 10' and then around 25' we dropped into much better vis -- 25-30' I would estimate. Temp was 59f shallow and 53f at 80'. Max depth was 90', divetime was :42.
Picked up a new buddy and we did an even longer surface swim further south and at 3:22 pm we dropped down to 88' right into the canyon and swam over to the wall.
Once again vis was about 5' for the first 10' and then it was very murky with 2' vis until we dropped into a beautiful layer. You could feel a definite thermocline and vis was 35' I estimate. I didnt look at my gauge right at the the time, but I estimate the thermocline to be at around 50-60'. Max depth was 88' and divetime was :43.
Loved the dives, but the surf was higher than the previous dives and in the afternoon it was quite choppy. I lost a fin in the surf coming out, but was able to find it. The surface swims were really tough for a fat old man like me.

Maybe next time I will do some boat diving.
That will be my last SoCal dive for awhile, but I am looking forward to coming back. Hopefully my son will be certified by then.