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Honolulu, Hawaii
Anyone have time for yet another newbie? Please bear with me while I try to get the hang of this - I am real new at posting messages.

I just completed my OW certification yesterday - and I am so excited!!! I've been reading the message boards for the past week while I've been taking class and am really glad to have found someplace where everyone is as excited about diving as I am (or it could be my "newbie-ness", I guess).

SCUBA is something I've wanted to do for almost forever, it seems - and growing up in Hawaii, it might seem to have taken inordinately long. However, it did take a bit of courage for me to take my OW cert class - no one I know (be it family or friends) dives, nor is remotely interesting in learning to dive. I come from a family who all have GOLF on the brain and would rather be doing their thing above water than under. Since obtaining my cert, my next big challenge will be finding a dive buddy(ies) that can deal with someone on such a starter level as me.

I'm sure you'll all be shaking your heads for some time at the number of dumb questions I'm sure to come up with, but have patience - I can only get better (I hope). Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say "Hi!"
Good for you, Chepar! I hope you never loose that "newbie-ness"! It's so nice to see the excitement you find in your new addiction. Some of the "old salts" need to be reminded what it was like when things were so new.

As you'll hear over and over....there are no stupid questions except those you don't ask. Yes, we may have answered them a dozen times before but we're glad to answer them again for that's how we learned and in turn, so will you. It's part of being in the diving family. And one day you, too, will answer those same questions from a new diver....Yes! you will!

I'm amazed at the number of divers who also play golf. Our winter project this year is to invent an underwater golf game that can be played in the pool! Some of us CAD's (candy ass divers) would rather spend time in a pool than the cold water of winter!

So...welcome to ScubaBoard and I hope you'll bore us silly with you enthusiasm!!!!
Welcome, and I hope that you will be able to find some buddies, or to convince some friends to 'see the light' from 60ft or so. See you around. K
Hmmm Patient Diving with you - followed by golf with the family! - I think we've got a plan here - Just a few hundreds of miles at issue! [Properly warm water at least when you get there!]

Welcome! - bring on the questions

G/day Chepar,

Welcome to the group and welcome to the marvels of this majestic underwater realm.
You are in for a treat, the beauty and the diverse assortment of natures marine creatures will astound you.
You are truly one of the privileged.

Fergy (downunder)
welcome to your new scuba family. You'll have a blast here, learning lots. ... and there is no dumb question, just highly unique questions, and important to you. Ask away....:)
Welcome Chepar!

Glad to have you aboard. As diving gal says:

Originally posted by DivingGal
welcome to your new scuba family. You'll have a blast here, learning lots. ... and there is no dumb question, just highly unique questions, and important to you. Ask away....:)

I might add, you will get some "highly unique" answers also! There's a lot of experience on this board, and SOMEONE has an answer for most any question that you might have.

Oh, BTW, if you think diving becomes "Chepar" from now on, your mistaken!! Just hand your LDS the wallet.. <G>. Sorry, cheap pun.
Congrats on your getting you OW Chepar! You have now managed to start down the path to the dark side!

Soon you will be spending all your waking time thinking of places to dive and how to afford them. You will be watching the battery section in your grocery store to get batteries on sale so you can use your new dive light with 8 D-Cells and not go to the poor house.

You will spend your nights pouring over scubaboard posts looking to gleen a little more info on all those topics that are rushed through in the OW class, then after that off to ebay to see wat cool stuff you could buy if you had the money.

HEED MY WORDS: Diving is an addiction there is no cure for, no methadone equivalent is available to take away that nagging itch you will get when your log book hasn't been opened in a month!

So that being said!!!! Hurrrraaaaaahhhh!!! You are now one of us, welcome to ScubaBoard!
Welcome Chepar! From another who has managed to get the golfers to talk about something else!!!

Dee, I think that I found one of your practice balls this weekend. It was growing barnacles. How does that affect the trajectory I wonder?

Kat....if it was found with green slime on it, it was probably one of mine! The barnacles put a mean spin on a golf ball fer shure. You get an extra mulligan when ya use it!

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