newbie & a bewtie

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Sydney Australia
Hi interested parties,
it was superb to stumble upon scubaboard. I am currently studying an underwater medicine course with the Royal Australian Navy. It runs for 6 months so i am an infomanic at the moment and am interested in anything dive/dive medicine related. Apparently this course turns me into a "super medic" so i will no doubt have some burning questions to ask. :wave:
We have a lot in common- I used to be a patient!

Kidding, of course- welcome to Scubaboard! Lots of information here- about diving, dive medicine, and more than a few rants and raves about anything and everything. Are you a diver as well?
Welcome to the board bewtie - should be able to find just about any answer related to scuba somewhere on this board......... and most of us don't bite.

Have fun on the board - loads of info here.....

With all your upcoming training, you are going to be very popular, we may come to you with questions...

Virginia... Hope you enjoy the boards and your studies. Sounds very interesting.. who knows we may have questions for you. Have fun and good luck.

Rich :mean:
good to hear from you all. Does 15 hours in a recompression chamber count as a diver DaveO? I didnt think so, soon very soon the real thing.
Welcome to the boards from the warm waters of Asia! Sorry, I missed something, why were you in recompression for 15 hrs? As recreational divers it's unsettling to be in chambers, let alone needing 15 hrs recompression. But Im sure we'll find you under "Diving Medicine" frequently, won't we?

Good to have you on board! :)

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