New Years Day Dive - Enhance Dive Site

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The Kraken

He Who Glows in the Dark Waters (ADVISOR)
ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
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Roswell/Alpharetta, GA
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Hey, all of you bubble makers in the Atlanta Area !!!!

Just thought I'd like to throw out an idea.

Thought it'd be fun to do a New Years Day Dive at Lanier at the West Bank Park.

Many of you may not know it, but there is a dive platform loacted there that is used for local training.

I thought it might be fun to do a polar bear dive there on New Years Day and, at the same time, do some improvements on the site.

What I had in mind was perhaps each diver could bring a clean, empty clorox jug, some heavy nylon line and substantial weight and we could lay out and chart a great navigation course for our practice and for new divers.

We cold map out the course and provide the azimuths and distances to our local dive shops for their instructional use.

Any ideas, any takers ??????
I think its a cool idea, but unfortunately, I won't be able to make it up that way.
Hey, Bug Man,
Thanx for the offer anyway . . .
Sounds good to me. Not quite sure if I have the thermal protection for a New Years Day dive or not. What would you consider minimal? Now mind you, I do have a good layer of "Bioprene" especially around the mid-section!

I had already discussed this with the Kracken before, but here goes for the public forum. I am getting my wisdom teeth out next week. They are non-impacted, and I am hoping I heal quickly to get a new years dive in. If my mouth isn't healed by new years I would probably still come out and see you all. As for thermal protection I guess it all depends on what our dive profile is. I was ok in the water in a 5/3mm with a beanie, 3 mil reef gloves, and 5 mil boots about a month ago and it was 60F at about 45'. I am not sure what the temps will be come new years. I am going to be trying out a pinnacle polar 7mm w/ integrated hood, 5mm bare gloves, and a 7mm pair of pinnacle merino lined boots. Should keep me plenty toasty, of course the fun part will be the bouyancy check with this much foam and my new tank. Hoping to make it, will keep you all updated on my status in this thread. If I can't dive it, I will atleast come out for a meet and greet.

The underwater navigation course sounds like a good idea. I need to find a bottle that is suitable for it though.

Would like to help out if you don't mind a newbie tagging along.

I don't have a problem with that. Would probably be a semi decent drive for you though. I am going to come out even if I can't dive to just do a meet and greet. Just had my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago, hoping they will be healed up by new years. So what time you thinking of doing this kracken so we can finalize everything up?

Hey, Fry, Corigan !!!

I'll PM you my telephone number and we can put this plan to bed. Anyone else want to join us???

Matt, I'll make sure I come up in the old motor coach just for your comfort.
The Kraken:
Hey, Fry, Corigan !!!

I'll PM you my telephone number and we can put this plan to bed. Anyone else want to join us???

Matt, I'll make sure I come up in the old motor coach just for your comfort.

Excellent. I'm hoping to get the dives in. I'll give ya call to discuss this in more detail. I went and had my tanks refilled after diving Sunday in hopes of getting the dive in on new years. I was wondering how hard it would be to build another platform in lanier. Would be cool to have a perm. guide line leading from the already existing platform to a platform that is much deeper. I dove Jocassee on Sunday and it had a setup like this. Perm. Guide line from a 30'. platform down to a 100'. Was pretty nice to have a perm guideline. I wonder how hard it would be to construct a platform at 100' and run a perm guideline. Maybe even do a mid way platform of maybe 60'

Excellent. I'm hoping to get the dives in. I'll give ya call to discuss this in more detail. I went and had my tanks refilled after diving Sunday in hopes of getting the dive in on new years. I was wondering how hard it would be to build another platform in lanier. Would be cool to have a perm. guide line leading from the already existing platform to a platform that is much deeper. I dove Jocassee on Sunday and it had a setup like this. Perm. Guide line from a 30'. platform down to a 100'. Was pretty nice to have a perm guideline. I wonder how hard it would be to construct a platform at 100' and run a perm guideline. Maybe even do a mid way platform of maybe 60'

I don't think it would be that difficult, but we have the Army Corps of Engineers with whom to contend.

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