New Wreck Valley book 3rd edition

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Just finished the newest edition of Wreck Valley book.

Wreck Valley Book

bought it.

It is good - but Maybe I was expecting a little more.

I appreciate the write ups on various wrecks -but being a new private boat diver - I would have liked to see a "guide" of sorts. In other words - jsut a simple "north jersey, south jersey, central jersey" etc on each wreck.

Plus the book advertises to have updated GPS coordinates on the wrecks.

There is a list in the back that doenst include most of the wrecks that are discussed, but includes other. I understand that some should not be published. But I was able to get coordinates on most of the wrecks form online forums so publishing the "not secret" ones shouldnt be a big deal.

Overall - a great book and Im glad I bought it. I like the sketches and side scanning sonar.

Thank You

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