2 phreakin' phunni!
There's a lot of misinformation out there. It often gets, pardon the pun, blown out of proportion by the need to justify the misconceptions. How many NitrOx instructors tell you that the biggest reason to have your tanks clean is to prevent tank explosions and fires? How many explosions and fires can be attributed to filling NitrOx last year? None. The real problem is CO contamination. Does that mean that these instructors are "lying out of their teeth"? No. It does mean that we are all learning and need to be careful about the crap we inadvertently pass on.
If I stopped going to every shop that didn't understand gas handling and filling perfectly (eg the way I do
), I would have to start filling my own. Ya rly! Where do you draw the line? I don't. I learn to work within their framework up until it puts me at risk. Does doing a Visual Inspection put you at risk? No. Does requiring additional cleaning put me at risk? No. How about requiring a NitrOx sticker? Again, no. I've had all these three thrown at me, when I don't believe them to be necessary. I simply let them have their way. Why fight it? It doesn't put me at risk. It doesn't hurt me at all. It might cost me a bit more, but so what? With the amount that diving costs, what's another ten bucks? It's simply not my tipping point that will drive me from a shop or even from diving forever. Life's too short and I would rather not waste 20 minutes either way to save $10. It's simply a matter of perspective.
There's a lot of misinformation out there. It often gets, pardon the pun, blown out of proportion by the need to justify the misconceptions. How many NitrOx instructors tell you that the biggest reason to have your tanks clean is to prevent tank explosions and fires? How many explosions and fires can be attributed to filling NitrOx last year? None. The real problem is CO contamination. Does that mean that these instructors are "lying out of their teeth"? No. It does mean that we are all learning and need to be careful about the crap we inadvertently pass on.
If I stopped going to every shop that didn't understand gas handling and filling perfectly (eg the way I do