New Video A Diver's Life: Surface Interval Bonaire's Fontein

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Reaction score
Kralendijk, Bonaire
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Just when you think you thought you knew everything about Bonaire, we just released a new video on A Diver's Life that is sure to take you by surprise. Due to passing storm systems over the past month, diving and filming on Bonaire has been a bust with poor visibility and constantly changing currents. We took this opportunity to introduce, Surface Intervals, on the channel. What exploring can you do on land when you can't film underwater?
In this episode we take you to a secret oasis in the center of the island called Fontein. Imagine a desert island with an oasis with a constantly flowing fresh water spring, 30 foot almond trees, ancient swimming pools, and sugar cane deep in the center of Bonaire. Few have ever seen this place. We are going to take you there, share its history, and how it was formed.
I subscribe to your channel, so I got the notification the other day and watched this video then. I really enjoyed it. As a Bonaire regular, I really appreciated this episode to learn something totally new about the island and its history. Thanks for sharing this and for all of your content!
Interesting story! Appreciate the historical overview. Apparently it's not open to the public; looks like there's hope for renovation and perhaps eventually some public access/use. I had no idea an ongoing freshwater source was present on Bonaire.

Interesting story! Appreciate the historical overview. Apparently it's not open to the public; looks like there's hope for renovation and perhaps eventually some public access/use. I had no idea an ongoing freshwater source was present on Bonaire.

If you drive around the island, particularly Goto lake you will notice Dos Pos. Around other parts you will find things labeled Pos. I think Pos are fresh water sources.
I think this video is great. In fact, I personally prefer this sort of information even more than the dive videos.
Thanks for the video, Really interesting, been to the island quite a few times, and never knew this was there. Hope they convert it into a public space/park.
Wow...... my wife and I have been to Bonaire 13 times over the past 25 years and we had never heard of this... thanks so much for the education!!!!! ...

As much as we would love to visit this place on our own to just hang out and explore......I really hope that they never make it wide open to the public and continue to keep it relatively secure. Maybe at the most allow limited guided tours...
I subscribe to your channel, so I got the notification the other day and watched this video then. I really enjoyed it. As a Bonaire regular, I really appreciated this episode to learn something totally new about the island and its history. Thanks for sharing this and for all of your content!
You are most welcome

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