James connell
a major supplier of gel filters to the movie industry. their 4" square sample pak is ideal. if you need you can get the gels in a sheet of ~ 18"x24" for ~$7.
get the sample swatches ( 1"x2") too.
they can be used to decide what you want too use.
bhphoto.com for the hard filter - mail order .
it has always amazed me how well video cameras correct color at depth - they seem much better at it than stills! it may not have been the red filter just the camera of your freind.
a major supplier of gel filters to the movie industry. their 4" square sample pak is ideal. if you need you can get the gels in a sheet of ~ 18"x24" for ~$7.
get the sample swatches ( 1"x2") too.
they can be used to decide what you want too use.
bhphoto.com for the hard filter - mail order .
it has always amazed me how well video cameras correct color at depth - they seem much better at it than stills! it may not have been the red filter just the camera of your freind.