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Las Vegas, NV
Hello every one! In March im going to go on my honeymoon :07: in Jamaica so I want to get open water cert. I also have a few question to ask before I get in to this sport :06: Now I know it might not be a good idea for me to do this sport because I have had a lot of ear problems when I was a kid but dam it im determined to do it. There is a mask out on the market right now that im looking at buying because its not good for me to get a lot of water in my ears I know something might happen while im under im willing to deal with. The company that makes the mask is "PRO EAR DIVE MASK" :06: Now if any one can help along with this it would be a lot of help.

Aloha! Welcome to the board. I don't know anything about that mask but this is the place to find out.
Benvenuto a bordo! :sharks:
and hope to welcome you also to the underwater world very soon :fish:
Sorry but I can not hel with the mask
Welcome! You'll like it here, this is the most informative place to go for SCUBA on the internet. Whether you want info, humor, or spirited debate, (or sometimes all three at once!), this is the place!

Be careful with ear problems, SunDevil!

Oh, and when you fill out your profile, flex those humor muscles!

I don’t really have any ear problems any more. I’m pretty sure that I should have no problem diving. Now how do I go by finding a DR. with some dive experience just to be on the safe side?
You can start by looking at the Diver's Alert Network (DAN) website. I think they used to have a listing of dive medicine MDs. They also have quite a few articles on ear/sinus issues and diving.

One small bit of advice: when you start to descend, do it much more slowly than you think you should. Practice swallowing and doing the maneuvers that your instructor will teach you to use to open your eustacian tubes. Once you feel pain, you've gone too far, so you want to take things very, very easy at first. Eventually, you'll learn how to equalize with each breath, and it will become second nature to you.

As far as the mask goes, I looked at the product description, and I'd be a little wary - unfortunately, there just aren't too many shortcuts that work to solve ear issues. Patience and practice are much better tools.

Good luck. Welcome to the board and to the sport,

Welcome to SB!!
:happywave Put us in your computer's favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue: Look around our various forums - everything from New-To-Scuba to Instructors-Only to Dive Medicine.


BTW - Did you set up your Profile? Some ideas for your Profle might be taken from looking at mine. Click on my Username to the upper left, then click on my Profile, and see what I've done. For your's, click the [CP] in the upper left of the screen, then click [Edit Profile]. If you need any more help, PM me direct.

Well just to be on the safe side im making an appointment tomorrow with my ENT DR. He should be able to tell if it’s cool or not. The only down side of seeing him it takes like 2months to get in :censored: he’s in charge of the ENT unit in Loma Linda CA. Owell I have 9months until my honeymoon so I can play the waiting game.

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