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Welcome to the scubaboard! If you enjoy it as much as everyone else does, You will be hooked in no time!

If ya aint all ready!

OK Ber you got me...
...what is a Bumper Dumper?

I don't know how to insert threads into posts so you'll have to go to the "Women only" forum and scroll down until you find the thread called "Girl talk: Is there a bathroom on the boat?" I don't remember who posted the bumper dumper but it's sort of a piece of camping equipment involving a toilet seat that attaches to the bumper of your truck.

Hi DiverPam:

Welcome to the board from the same cold waters you dive in.
Yes I too am from New England and dive year round. Glad you found the board, have fun, Dive Safe ................Arduous

My how I laughed when I discovered the UNCLE BOOGERS BUMPER DUMPER link you mentioned!

Looking at the picture though, if that is Uncle Booger then I do hope he removes his long johns before dumping commences. It must be pretty wiffy, it stunned the turkey and Uncle Booger looks like he is contemplating suicide!

Thanks Ber

You always provide the most interesting entertainment:)

Is there a specific ladies version with duct tape

Welcome from Okinawa. I'm fairly new here myself, but its a lot of fun
Thanks to all of you for your replies. Great welcome! I'll catch you around the boards sometime. They make for great reading. May you SI's be short ones.
A big welcome and Howdy from TEXAS!!!

Glad to have you on the board.:mean:

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