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Skippack, PA
Hi, I'm new the board, I have been lurking for a week or so - but have seen so much great info that I had to join. Real happy to see a women's section, too.

I'm just finishing up my PADI classwork and pool dives for the OW course, here in the Philadelphia area. I'll be doing the OW dives to certify in BVI in March.

The trip to BVI really started it all. I found the trip - a week on a trimarin - it sounded great with or without the diving. They have PADI certified dive instructors on board and that gave me the push to take the plunge. I've wanted to learn to dive for years but haven't done anything about it - because I didn't have anyone here to do it with among other reasons. The trip gave me the incentive and realization that I don't need a local buddy.
You're gonna love it here. Great people, great ideas, comments, etc... Being new to the sport myself, I know how you must feel

Have a great time on your trip, best wishes.
Hello and welcome from Chicago.

You won't be disappointed with this board. Friendly people, good advice, interesting discussions. Have fun!

Welcome to Scubaboard and the diving industry! Glad you've joined the cheerful campers!

Be warned - once you start here you'll never leave - by choice obviously!!! :dance:

Anyway - pleased your onboard - see you round the board -x-
Welcome to the Board, from NJ.
The others have said it right, this is the place for good scuba talk.
Good luck on the OW dives,
Welcome to our online :home:

Glad to have you here, and we'll see you around the board. :hi:

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