My .02 is to do specialties you will actually use such as the Emergency 02, drysuit, dsmb deployment, nitrox, adaptable diver, or maybe even the photography. I have my deep diver but that was totally by accident and the shop only charged me the PADI fee so, meh, whatever. There are so many useless specialties that they just end up being money makers for the certification agency and are completely useless in the real world.
Oh, and don't put the patch anywhere visible.
In my opinion these PADI specialties give the most value:
1) Nitrox (allows using nitrox fills, also is a basis for all further tech training)
2) Deep - allows you to dive in 40 m depth (e.g. some Liveaboards require this specialty is wrecks are deeper than 30 m)
3) Search & recover - I got many new skills, learned various search patterns, got various knots tieing skills.
4) Wreck - gives a very basic knowledge about wreck penetration. AFter thos specialty you can see whether you like wreck penetration (and train further) or not.
5) Navigation
Other skills you can learn by diving and there is no need to pay money to PADI for cards.