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There are so many nice people on this board you won't want to leave! Not only are they nice, they're full of interesting and helpful information. Looking forward to your input!

Ber :bunny:
Welcome from the bottom of my sea!

There are so many friendly people on the board and looking through the names on this post it always seems to be my new found buddies who are doing the greeting.

My tip is put them on your buddy list straight away as they appear to be the most active and the most friendly members!

"May your Bubbles go forever upwards"

PS your name had me worried for a while (I thought it was my wife checking up on me) her name is ChrisM too!
See pic

That's why your name is familiar! I've seen some of your beautiful photos there - hope to see more of them!

Originally posted by large_diver

You made it over from RSD! So many threads, so little time......;-)


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