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Reaction score
Torrance, CA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Hello all, ChrisM from Southern California, Los Angeles, to be precise. Dive locally off beaches and boats, as well as trips to warmer climes to warm the soul and the wetsuit........

Looking forward to interesting discussions!

Welcome to the board, from "the other coast", NJ that is.
This is the place for interesting-and then some- discussions. Don't worry, they almost always turn out politely!!
Good luck,
Hi there and hello. You'll have a grand time here.
A big HOWDY!!! from Texas and the NDI Texas Swamp Diving Team.

We look forward to your questions and contributions.
Another Texas Howdy, ChrisM! Welcome to one of the other ponds!
YEE-HAW!!!! Welcome under, aboard, errrr, whatever we call it.. :bounce:

Join in,HAVE FUN! ENJOY yurself!
and remember -- anytime you come to Texas,,, somebody will dive with ya!

Especially me

Hi ChrisM:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe .................Arduous
and a Warm welcome from sunny Arizona the all beach no ocean state
Where you can dive 3 different seas (altough diving the dead is less recomended).

Have fun and welcome to the board.

Ari :)
A Hearty Welcome from Connecticut!

Hey, my partner and I will be passing through LA in March on our way to Tahiti. Alas - only there for about 24 hours, so no time to dive. Any pointers on what to see and where to stay would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me so as not to clutter up this thread. Afterall, we'd hate to stray off topic - that NEVER happens here.....

Scuba-sass :)

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