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Essex, England
Hi I'm Nikki
I won a holiday to Small Hope Bay Lodge in the Bahamas and did my padi open water. Now back in sunny England! I am going to do my advanced open water. Can't wait to dive again
Welcome to the Boards and to diving!
in the U.S.A. East coast :D Glad to have you join the boad, hope you find it helpful and enjoyable. Good luck in your diving and as always, Dive Often, Dive Deep.... and always Dive Safe.

Rich :mean:
welcome to the board and congrats on your winning trip, I hope you enjoyed the Bahamas:eek:ut:
I just got back from my first "warm blue" dive. I too, am counting the days until I can go back.....
I am always trying to win those trips on the underwater hunts, but I just get magazine subscriptions, log books, or masks. NEXT year I win the Kayak!

Love hearing from British divers. I have dived with Brits before & am convinced that salt water is in your blood! Welcome.

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here & Dive Safe...................Arduous
Hey, Nikki. Welcome from north of the border.

I recently completed OW (Mauritius) and am exploring the opportunities back home now. I'd be interested to hear how you get on in home waters compared with the Bahamas! Might give me some courage. Though it is a good excuse to go away to tropical climes on holiday.

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