Suggestion New thread suggestion--book discussion group

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I have been hunting around scuba board. from time to time people ask for fiction or non-fiction books to read that have a diving or underwater them. I was wondering if there might be sufficient interest to start a forum under communties for avid readers to post info about new or not so new books that they have read and enjoyed or read and not enjoyed so much?
You just started a new thread already - but I think you meant New Forum...?
Sounds like a winner to me. :thumb:
Although this hasn't been updated in five years, my dive club used to have a monthly book review.
You just started a new thread already - but I think you meant New Forum...?

Thanks for the catch. I did mean a new forum. If I read the FAQs correctly, I need to post the suggestion here and then get at least a dozen people to endorse the idea. Looks like folks have started to do so already.
Count my vote! I was just searching SB today for this very type of forum!
I'd like that, been meaning to write some reviews. Be nice to have a place for resource and various opinion presented.

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