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Reaction score
Pensacola, Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
I have seen that some people have a quote on their post. How do I do that? Do I have to be a paying member to do that or can anyone?
I have seen that some people have a quote on their post. How do I do that? Do I have to be a paying member to do that or can anyone?

Is the quote above the kind you mean? If so, just look at the right hand bottom of your screen and you will see the "Quote" icon.

If you're referring to the quotes people have at the bottom of their posts, it's easy. Just like your email signature, you can go to User CP and click on edit signature.

you have up to four lines (I believe) that you can add to all of your posts! Have fun.

Welcome to ScubaBoard!
are you asking how do you change your text up in the upper left hand corner that reads "junior member"?

I am wondering about that.

How do i get to be cool like H2Andy and have something like he has "Charlie don't surf" in the upper left hand corner of my profile name of my posts?
Moved to Site Support.

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