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Lincoln UK
Just discovered this board, have not yet read anyof the FAQ, (promise will do). I am a BSAC Dive Leader, ACI, Nitrox qualified, done about 200 dives. Interested mainly in the very small stuff, ie:stuff that does not take great bites out of ones self!:babble:
divingbrit once bubbled...
Just discovered this board, have not yet read anyof the FAQ, (promise will do). I am a BSAC Dive Leader, ACI, Nitrox qualified, done about 200 dives. Interested mainly in the very small stuff, ie:stuff that does not take great bites out of ones self!:babble:

Welsome :) There a quite a few of your fellow Brits here, and lots of good information.

What is "ACI"?

Sorry forgot not everyone speaks english :rolleyes:
ACI is Assitant Club Instructor, means one who trains other club members but is not quailfied to award qualifications :)
divingbrit once bubbled...
means one who trains other club members but is not quailfied to award qualifications :)

Ahh. In other words someone who trains but is not qualified to qualify those he trains. We have them here also.

Pip pip :D

Welcome aboard from the colonies!:D
Welcome to the board divingbrit, lots of Brits in here:)
MechDiver once bubbled...

Ahh. In other words someone who trains but is not qualified to qualify those he trains. We have them here also.

Pip pip :D


At least wait to jab when he posts in another forum besides the intro forum <deep sigh> :)

divingbrit - Welcome to our wonderful online ScubaBoard!
No thats perfectly correct, in our setup the training is done by experienced divers who teach the skills and pass on the knowledge, gained over time. When the trainnee has mastered the lessons, an indepentant teacher, ie: qualified instructor assesses wether or not the trainnee gets the qualification, (or needs futher lessons). The advantage of this setup is that the trainnee might learn from many divers, (all working from the same instruction book) and gains from many years of practical diving! Standards are maintained by the qualified instrutors who are then free to concentrate on any weak areas that might need re visiting.

It does help, as in our Club, that you have a large pool of experienced divers who are willing to partipate, but then that is how they were taught.

Too ask another question, are most of the Divers using this board from the USA?

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