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hnladue once bubbled...
You are whining yourself!!!!

Maybe Mr. O-ring needs to take a break and go somewhere else for a while. If you can't take the heat.........go diving!!!
You can take all this drivel to alt.issues.whine.whine.whine and leave the rest of us to talk diving!
I think you are being dismissive and rude. If you don't want to read these threads, no one is forcing you to do so.
O-Ring Said:

You can take all this drivel to alt.issues.whine.whine.whine and leave the rest of us to talk diving!
Um...excuse me, but this forum has been moved to the NON-diving related stuff, so why the "talk diving" comment?

That is after all the whole reason that people are the least bit upset.
We moved it back for now.
More details to come in the near future.
O-ring once bubbled...

I am just having a heck of a time dealing with all the crying and whining on this board lately. It seems people can't get over making mountains out of molehills and perceive every moderator action or TOS/format change as an affront on their civil rights.

I think everyone needs to grab a 6 pack, rent "PCU", and learn how to get over themselves and talk diving!

I think this seems to be endemic to the time of year we are in (its's not called the silly season for nothing)since my wife was saying just the other day that everyone at the hospital was acting like its been nothing but full moons since Thanksgiving.:wacko:

But hey, it's probably in everybodies imagination anyway. No offense intended to anyone since I seem to be having a few problems of my own with certain licensing boards;) .

Remember, Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.:)
Not sure why they changed the location of this thread...I'm sure that the VOLUNTEER ... HARD WORKING MODERATORS had their reasons. That being said, I don't really see the point of having a women's section (...dodging the rotten tomatoes). It is very clear in my mind that diving is a unisex sport. Maybe it's just me, where I dive and the people I dive with but I have never encountered ANY scenario where one sex or the other was put down or couldn't have their dive or non dive related questions answered by the rest of the group due to a male/female conflict (does this sentence even make sense?!). I guess what I'm trying to say is that anyone (man or woman) should feel at ease asking a question or sharing a story with either gender. Menstruation and diving, contraceptive pills and diving, finding the "right" buddy etc...; these are subjects that should be discussed in the other forums, for all divers to discuss. Ralph Emerson once said something like: The only way to bring down our social, racial and gender barriers is to stop creating a society of exceptions, disassociations and exclusiveness. Let's all be one big happy family....and don't take yourself too seriously...the fish don't!;)
But some here seem to be a little holier than everyone here. Its all in the name of censorship. They have the right to do it. They think they own the place. Like a clown fish in an anenmoe. Its thier only place they seem in control and can push folks around.

Oring is speaking that policy. He has all 5 stars filled in(WGAS). His godgun trigger finger is itchin". Let alone the girls talkin'. Soon PMs will fly and the cyber slap down will insue. Funny really cause most of the cyber janitors have barely enough time to be a mouthbreather.
I just don't understand why folks feel the need to come to the Woman's Views forum and complain about the fact that either there is a Woman's Views forum or complain that women are talking about an issue that effects them.

There are lots of forums here on SCUBAboard (not even mentioning the rest of the internet)....please go find one where you enjoy the conversation if you don't like what's being posted here.
Natasha once bubbled...
We moved it back for now.
More details to come in the near future.

Thank you for moving it back to the main page. While it may be an organizational issue, it "feels" like the Board felt that "Women's Issues" in diving were not diving related, and therefore, not as important as maybe some more "macho" diving issues are...

I agree that some of the threads in that forum were non-diving related. But you know, many threads on other forums start out diving related and take twists and turns along the way, turning out to be non-diving related.

I hope whatever the near future holds, that the Board managers think about how their decisions "feel" to those affected. Merging Northern and Southern California is an example of something that started out with a lot of upset folks, but seemed to have turned out OK now...

I thank the board managers, the moderators, the tekkie folks, and the contributers for a nice place to hang out, research dive equipment and locations, ask and answer questions, and learn.

sapphire :)
The first thread on SB is for Scuba Board News. The last update there was Aug 29/03. Perhaps the Moderators/Powers-that-be might post upcoming changes (and maybe reasoning behind the changes) so SB users are prepared and understand what's going on. This may go a long way toward easing the tension on the Board when changes are made without warning.


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