New in CT

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Welcome Aboard!!!

It's addictive, but who cares?!?!?

Good friends and good info. What could be better???

P.S. - If you have not already done so, please fill out your profile.

Welcome to SB!!
:happywave Put us in your computer's favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue: Look around our various forums - everything from New-To-Scuba to Instructors-Only to Dive Medicine.


BTW - Did you set up your Profile? Some ideas for your Profle might be taken from looking at mine. Click on my Username to the upper left, then click on my Profile, and see what I've done. For your's, click the [CP] in the upper left of the screen, then click [Edit Profile]. If you need any more help, PM me direct.

Hi and all the best for OW completion. It is such a fun way to pass your time and learn about new worlds - and that is just Scuba board, diving is even better.
Good luck with the class!

Check out the "New England Lobstah Divahs" forum if you haven't yet for lots of local info and dives.
Welcome to ScubaBoard!

Enjoy your class!

Don't forget to fill out your profile, so that we can add context to your posts.

WooooHooooo! Congrats on taking your first step into such a wonderful world.... Keep us updated on your progress and feel free to ask any questions...

BTW, welcome to the ScubaBoard!

There are tons of great people to dive with on this site. I went to florida and met murphdivers286 and baitedstorm - we dove nearly every day. Send me a message when you're done with your openwaters, I'll definately dive with you. I live in Hamden, but am from West Hartford... There are some alright local dive sites around... Where did you do your openwaters (what LDS?)...

Welcome from another Connecticut diver! I'll go out on a limb and guess that you're taking your OW in Plainville, at Jack's. A couple of dive buddies I know took their PADI there and liked it.

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