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Hi everyone. I have been diving for 4 years now, PADI trained AOW, have a few more than 100 open water dives. I also volunteer dive at our local Aquarium here in Charleston and have logged about 60 hours in our 42' deep Great Ocean tank in the past 8 mos. Looking foward to AAUS certification soon. I am an avid U/W photographer. Looking foward to meeting people here on the forum...thanks
Welcome to the board!

Hey BobM, welcome to ScubaBoard, I know you'll like the place.
Hi everyone. I have been diving for 4 years now, PADI trained AOW, have a few more than 100 open water dives. I also volunteer dive at our local Aquarium here in Charleston and have logged about 60 hours in our 42' deep Great Ocean tank in the past 8 mos. Looking foward to AAUS certification soon. I am an avid U/W photographer. Looking foward to meeting people here on the forum...thanks
Welcome to SB! You got a pretty good gig there with your very own 42' deep Great Ocean.....sheesh- some folks just have it all on a silver platter...or is that in a silver bowl? Got any pics you cold post? C'mon, don't be greedy, share the goodies :D
Hi there! Welcome to ScubaBoard! It sounds like you have some great experiences! I wish that I had an aquarium closer to where I live, because thats something that I have always been interested in! We would love to see some pics if you have any! Can't wait to hear more from you around the boards, jump right in!! Let me know if there is anything that I can help you with while your learning your way around!

Safe diving!
The Aquarium work sounds super. Hope you like it here - I think you will.

:biggrinba don

And don't be shy about posting. Click Forums above, tour the long list of choices, and jump in anywhere you're qualified. PM me with any questions, and I'll try to find a pretty good answer.
hey, bob. i lived in duck ditch for 6 years & loved that aquarium. welcome to the board!
Hello BobM,
:yl2jump: :snorkels: Welcome to ScubaBoard! I came here to look for help with my scuba diving dream and the response has been fantastic. So, I know you will enjoy being a member here. There are a lot of nice and informative scuba divers. It's a good place to meet other divers and share experiences and dreams. Take care and Happy Diving. Matt.

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