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Durban, South Africa
Hi Guys! Im new here...

My Dad and I have just compleated our open water coarse, we are going to get our own BC's and Regs soon, we are probley going to go with scubapro as its the most widely supported arround here

we are planning to get scubapro Glide 500's and Mk2+/R290 or Mk2+/R390

My dad and i are both very short thin guys btw

we were also wondering what the difrence is between the R290 and R390 second stages? is it worth the extra cash for the R390?

tell me what you think

Thanks in advance
I don't know what the difference between the two 2nd stages is, especially since the R290 hasn't even gotten to the US yet. But given that I'd guess they'd be pretty similar, I would probably opt for the R290 but with the MK17 first stage (or R390 + MK17 if you can afford it). The MK17 is a definite step above the MK2, especially since it's balanced. I'm far from an expert though, so don't go by just my response.

I just looked again. The R290 VIVA can only be adjusted on the surface (looks like with something along the lines of a screw driver). The R390 has the knob to let you adjust it anytime underwater. In your case I don't really see any advantage to the fixed VIVA. Seems like more of a plus for giving them to students and not having to worry about students fiddling with them and letting them freeflow. I'd try to go for the R390 just so you could adjust the breathing underwater.

On the other hand, I rarely touch the viva on my g250 underwater, so I don't know what your preference would be, sorry.
You know what. I was just thinking that you might want to skip over what I said and just send a PM over to DA Aquamaster. He would be alot more useful to you than my puny comments.
Cool thanks for the help, i think we are going to go with thew MK16/R390 i dont know about the Mk17 havent seen one here only mk16's but it acctually works out cheaper to buy a mk 16 with R390 and SPG than to buy a MK2+ i dunno how though...

thanks again
The MK16 is the predacessor to the MK17. Since the MK2+ and R290 are already available where you are I assumed the MK17 would be also. That may be why you're getting the MK16 at a good price (since your LDS will be getting the MK17's soon).
I think the MK17 is environmentally sealed? Not really sure. I have no idea why everyone's just leaving me on my own here and no one else is chiming in. There really are a bunch of people around here who know alot more about this stuff than I do. Hope they notice this thread.

Hey guys, I'm not a gear expert by any means, but from my understanding the MK2+ is an unbalanced piston setup, whereas the MK25 is a balanced piston. It's biggest plus is its simplicity. Less parts means less stuff to break. The MK16 and MK17 are sealed diaphragm designs. I'm not sure about the difference between the MK16 and MK17. I think the MK17 is just an upgrade of the MK16. From my understanding the MK16/17 is better for environments where a sealed second stage is beneficial (maybe murky or cold water?). As for the R290 vs R390, I'm not sure about the difference other than the adustable VIVA thing. I actually find making adjustments underwater beneficial. Not sure if they are different in size or weight.
Obviously, depending on the type of diving you'll be doing your gear selection may be different. I personally dive warm salt water only. I bought a MK2+/R390 and really have had no issues. Some people tell me that the MK2+ is "rental gear" quality, but honestly I haven't had any issues in the 4-5 years I've owned it and I think it's a great first time setup. At some point I'm sure you will out breathe your regs and will want to upgrade, but I think it's a great starting point. Good luck with your gear search.
OK my dad just ordered our kit now, we are getting Mk17's with R390s and glide 500 BCDs

We are going to be diving in all sorts here in south africa from warm clear salty water to cold murky fresh water and all in between

What is the diffrence bettween a diaphram(SP?) and pisto designs and what does it mean if its balenced or unbalanced?


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