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OK, Todays the big day I am going to go buy scuba eq.

I am looking at the following items and any last min suggestions or comments would be nice

Apeks ATX200 Din reg
Apeks tx 40 octo
Sea-Quest raider bc
Datamax Pro Plus Computer w/quick disconect and compas
AL 80 Tank
3 mm Wetsuite

Haven't made up my mind on and specific fins or mask but don't think will buy any split fins.

So what do we think

Looks like a good list.

As for your fin decision, if your LDS sells ScubaPro, get the Jet Fins. They are so bad cool. These are my first choice in fins. Since you said that you did not want split fins, if you can not get the Jets, and want something cheap but still a great fin, check out the US Divers Blades. They can be had for $60 at some shops.

As for the mask, that really is personal preference.
Either you'll love them from the first time, or you'll hate them.
I think they are the best fins for any type of finning, sharp turns, frog kicks, back-swimming, snorkelling, and so on.
I never heard of anyone dissapointed from them. I have only heard critics about the Jets from people who never tried them (me the same. For many years I neglected them and thought my Mares quattro are the best fin, until I once tried the jets and got hooked).

Regarding the mask: I wouldn't stick to a specific brand name but look for a mask that better fits your face (especially males, who sometimes forget to shave before diving :eek:ut: ). Try to look for one with a small volume and big field of view. If you'll be looking into UW photography (or video) get a mask with a dark skirt. It will be easier to see through the viewfinder like this. In a clear silicone mask you get light from the sides and really disturbs.
Before you shell out the cash for the APEX ATX200 - check out the TX50. If you could try them both in a pool, that would be great. I bet you won't be able to tell the difference in breathing either - I couldn't, and the TX50 is a heck of a lot cheaper!

The TX40 is a great choice for an Octo.

Any chance you'll do mor tech style diving in the future (caves, wrecks, etc.) if so - you may want to look at a back-plate harness set up before purchasing your BC. There are a lot more experienced divers here who could give you more detailed suggestions on BCs - but a lot of folks have said here that if they had known more about back-plate harness conmfigurations before purchasing a BC - they would have gone that route.

Mask - try a lot on - in a pool - and go with the best fit (as Vicky said).
I'll jump on the Jet fin wagon also. Excellent!
If you want some a little less expensive or if you have bigger feet and wear a drysuit, Turtle fins are excellent also. They are pretty much identical to the jet fins. Except for name and price.

I think you have some good choices. Definately look into the TX50, or even the ATX50 which is the newer version. The ATX line all have a smaller second stage which is a little nicer than the TX line. Probably no noticable difference between the ATX 50 and 200 so you could save some money here.

Regarding your computer, I might suggest looking at the Suunto Cobra. I chose this over the DataMax because I liked the feel of the Cobra (not as bulky as the DataMax when you attach the compass) and there are a few more features on the Cobra. For example, I think on the DataMax, the computer will only provide the lesser of your air time remaining and your NDL, but not both. A big selling point on the DataMax is the large numbers, but underwater, the Cobra is just as easy to see IMHO. Also, before you make your final decision, you can download computer demos of both via the internet. For Suunto, go to the seaquest website. For myself, the downloadable demos convinced me of my choice.

For fins, I use the Tusa Imprex. They're decent fins that can be had for around $50.

I don't know much about the Raider, as I have one of the newer Seaquest Black Diamond BC's. Seaquest makes excellent BC's with the weight pockets being about the best in the industry (from the standpoint of ease of loading, ease of ditching, and simply holding the weights in).

Best of luck with your purchase.
I wouldn't dish out the moola for the ATX200. I would recommend the TX50/DS4 from DiveINN. TX40 is a great octo.

Jet Fins

Take a serious look at the Halcyon BP/wings.

Look Vyper computer.

Good luck.

I use TX100's most excellent! TX or ATX 50's are also excellent and less exspensive. Never used the TX40 Octo., but I am sure it is as good as the rest of the line.

As I said earlier(and others)check out Turtle or Jet Fins, They rule!

Suunto Vyper computers are excellent and not as exspensive as some of the others out there. Can be used in gauge mode for the future if you get into Tech.

Definitly try a Halcyon BP/wings at least check it out anyway, it may look uncomfortable but it is far from it. And it can be had for a fairly reasonable price compared to most BC's.
I really don't think the TX50 is worth £20 more than TX40. The TX 40 reg breathes good, you can use it for any mix and is good enough to go to record depths. I have never tried splits, I quite like jets, I find them more managable than quattro's, which I think are to long for me. I wouldn't bother with a computer, I think you are better off with a dive timer and stick to tables. Though I have a computer, it come with a warning " not to be used for professional diving." I like to plan a dive using the no stop limits of Royal Naval tables, its one sheet easy to learn and use mentally, I add a 3min 5 metre safety stop, but I know I am safe if I need to ignore it. It suits my diving pattern of average 30min dive, max 2 dives, on a weekend. I have got a tusa liberator Stab but I think I would get myself a steel back pack and a wing, I wouldn't get an aluminum tank, I have got steel Fabers as you need less ballast. Get yourself a good shot weight belt, they are much more comfortable and save a lot of kidney ache, I wear a harness type, but I am a corporation man. I dive all the year round and use a front entry dry suit, but the water here never gets warmer than 14C in Summer and can be 4-7C in Winter. I have never tried a wet suit. I don't know the conditions in Texas, over here a good torch is essential. I like my guages to have big numerals because I need reading glasses. I use a wrist compass. Regards a mask, the most important thing is how it fits your face, take care to get one that seals well, I have great difficulty there. Maybe its a bit retro but then I am over fifty. What ever you buy, have fun and safe diving.

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