My Evo2 is due on my doorstep tomorrow. Do I need the class? Probably not. I have quite a few very experienced divers who are amazingly generous with their time and willingness to help me out and show be the drysuit ropes. Am I taking the class? YES! First I just love the instructors I work with. Second, in my mind, no matter the experience level of divers, experience is not a substitude for the abilty to teach. Also there is something to be said for teaching "by the numbers", and having the instructor manual to make sure you don't forget that one little thing that will prove important later.
I have taught First Aid/CPR/AED (volunteer) for 21 years. I could not imagine someone learning that without being taught by a qualified instructor. I know, it's not quite the same, but still, for my money, a good instructor just can't be replaced. And those experienced divers who are willing to help me out will have a better student to work with after I complete my "official" training.
My 2 cents...YMMV
I have taught First Aid/CPR/AED (volunteer) for 21 years. I could not imagine someone learning that without being taught by a qualified instructor. I know, it's not quite the same, but still, for my money, a good instructor just can't be replaced. And those experienced divers who are willing to help me out will have a better student to work with after I complete my "official" training.
My 2 cents...YMMV