I feel fairly comfortable with DS skills (in theory) and have read a fair bit on handling emergencies. I will also practise these emergency skills in my pool and pier dives. If at any point I feel unsafe in my drysuit, I will not do the boat dives and will wait to do my DS course.
Does anyone think this is dangerous? Has anyone dived a DS for the first time WITHOUT the DS course first? Any specific tips for me to stay out of trouble?
Sounds reasonable. A even less stringent approach worked for me and others I know.
P.S. I am not too impressed with the PADI DS course anyway. In the book it says you have to use your DS only to control your buoyancy and not your BC. This just seems plain wrong to me and I don't want to learn bad habits and have to pay $$$ for it. Yes I know some ppl will say using your DC for buoyancy control is fine, but I disagree, it just doesn't make sense from a drag/streamlining perspective.
One suggestion, just so you don't get overconfident, is to test the
limits of recoverability from the feet-first uncontrolled ascent by putting in more air and waiting longer to do your somersault maneuver.
Need I say, do it safely?
To do so, try putting more air into
both the suit
and the bcd and see how complicated things get.
Then try the excess air in only the drysuit, then only the bcd.
See if you can safely create a situation from which you
can't recover.
Again, safely: in shallow water, like 15', not holding your breath, etc.
That will demonstrate the differences in the volume handled by the respective exhaust valves and whether there actually is a significant issue there. There may not be one.
For me, using only my drysuit for buoyancy control has significant advantages and no major drawbacks. I'm definitely warmer, venting is hands-free and my drysuit exhaust valve is more than up to the task.
There are divers on both sides of this issue, which
mostly comes down to preference in the final analysis, IMHO.
It might be a little early for you to conclude this is a "bad habit" before trying both ways.
Streamlining certainly isn't the issue....
I still don't quite understand why you're taking the drysuit course....
Dave C