New Dixie Diver

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Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
# of dives
200 - 499
Well, its confirmed. I'm officially going to be a Dixie Diver, I've accepted a job near Chattanooga. Will be moving into the area on the weekend of April 9th. I'm moving from Colorado where the only water is in shallow muddy resevoirs, so I'm really excited about the diving opportunities in the south. Really looking forward to meeting and diving with you folks.
Sounds good Octotat and congratulations! Look forward to seeing ya down here in the south and diving with you.

Well, its confirmed. I'm officially going to be a Dixie Diver, I've accepted a job near Chattanooga. Will be moving into the area on the weekend of April 9th. I'm moving from Colorado where the only water is in shallow muddy resevoirs, so I'm really excited about the diving opportunities in the south. Really looking forward to meeting and diving with you folks.

Welcome to the Area!

Though not much diving in Chattanooga, you're only about a 6 hour (or little more) drive from the Gulf.

Also some quarry diving that you drive and dive on day trips!

Well if your ever down this way look me up and I will hook you up w some guys I spear with. We just got back from the keys spearing for 3 days on a live aboard. And plan to go to NC in may for 2 days of spearing. Good Luck on your move.
Well if your ever down this way look me up and I will hook you up w some guys I spear with. We just got back from the keys spearing for 3 days on a live aboard. And plan to go to NC in may for 2 days of spearing. Good Luck on your move.

Will definitely look you up when I get down there. Where do you live?
Not too far, we will definitely be able to hook up for some diving. I'll PM you once I get established.

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