New Dixie Diver

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Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
# of dives
200 - 499
Looks like I'm moving scuba clubs from the newly formed Rocky Mountain Oysters to the Dixie Divers as I've been offered a job in Chattanooga. Looks like quite an active club, can't wait to get down there dive with some of you folks. Any Dixie divers from Chattanooga?

Welcome to Dixie!

Check out - I heard a talk by the person who owns this shop and she is an extremely dynamic individual. Their travel program is fantastic.
welcome aboard.
Yes, there are quite a few active divers in the Chattanooga area. With the river and several quarries within 1-1.5 hrs away there are lots of possibilities to get wet. Also approximately 100 divers volunteer at the TN Aquarium. There are 2 LDS. Lots more info to be had, so just ask away or PM anytime.
I'm looking forward to taking a drysuit class and rescue when I get there. Looks like a couple of nice training spots nearby.
Welcome to Dixieland :p

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