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Ijust moved to the US Virgin Islands in August and got my OW in October, Advanced in early Jan and Am doing Rescue Diver tomorrow and Thursday! I've got 13 dives under my belt and want to go for at least Dive Master in the next couple months. SO, of course I want my own equipment. My husband manages a water sports place on St John so I can get wholesale prices from some companies. Right now I can get wholesale from trident and dacor. I don't know that I want all Dacor stuff...doesn't seem like the best quality stuff but for a start might be good. DH has to order from Dacor this week and if we can get our total order up to $1K I can get a free Classic Reg. Any thoughts on what I should get with Dacor? I thought the Viper looked cool but after reading about it it doesn't seem to be a favorite with anyone. I have no idea on BC's. My parents have Zeagle and say Dacor is no good with the hardpack, then again I've only used rental gear and so I'm not picky YET.

Look forward to hearing everyones input and reading this board!

TJP in America's Paradise
Wow, living and working in the US-VI!

Welcome to the board from a gal who wishes she was seeing white sand rather than the white snow....

Well take up snowboarding...another adventure sport and my favorite when I lived in the White Mountains!

Thanks for the welcome! My 6year old is dying to see the little guy on the message!
Welcome... :balloon:

I can't help you much with your gear because I'm not familiar with any of the Dacor line.

My husband and I both dive with Zeagles but you've already gotten that input. Beast also uses a Vyper and really likes it. It's a bit more conservative than my Oceanic Data Max Pro Plus but that can be a good thing!

Try on every BC you can and don't worry about someone elses opinion of it. If it fits you well, that's half the battle. Dacor has good stuff. If you can get it at wholesale, it won't hurt so much in a year when your diving improves, you know better what you want/need in a BC and you're ready to replace it.
I dive in the UK and I use Hydroptic RG-3x regs which are really easy to breathe off and cheap to service. I also have Poseiden cyclones which I only use on my pony bottle as I don't find them so easy to breathe off. I have a set of Oceanics too and I'm not keen on them either. I'm not too impressed with the Dacor regs, although I know some-one who has had a set for about 10 years and loves them.My best advice would be to try out a few different ones and buy the ones you feel most comfortable with.

Happy diving
Howdy from TEXAS!!

Although TEXAS is the greatest place in the world, you definitly have better diving over there.
I use and absolutely love my Zeagle Ranger and my Zeagle Flathead VI reg, I also have used many Dacor products and as far as regs go the only Dacor reg I woud recommend is the metal Viper. As far as BC's go there are a lot of excellent ones on the market, but the ability to customize the fit of the Zeagle BC's is just one of things that makes them hard to beat, and if you ever try a nw Zeagle reg you will fall in love with it. :mean:
I presently use mares vector Platinum, it's a good bc. I have also used Dacor bcs in the past and really liked them, I would buy a Dacor if the price was right.:snorkel:
Welcome to the board. Regards from Israel.

Getting a deal on equipment is a good idea. Nevertheless, deciding what to buy, based on what's on sale is a different story.

I would try to decide on what's best for me and tham look for the best price.

Ari :)
Welcome from Portland Oregon. Dacor makes pretty good stuff and for the wholesale I'd dive Dacor! I don't have any Dacor stuff myself but I've used some of it in the past before I purchased my own gear and was happy with it.

I'd wait to take the Divemaster coarse until you have been at it a while. It's a lot to take in as a new diver. I would suggest waiting about a year just to get comfortable but hey, that's just my opinion and according to my wife I'm usually wrong anyway!


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