Another "trick" is that if you're in an area that should have bugs, STOP. Just hover for a bit and really look around. You'd be suprised how often they just appear. Also, I know it's not PC to do but, be a mud-sucker and use a good dive light. You won't see nearly as many bugs if you're 5' off the bottom since you can't see back into most holes. I use a tickle stick and it works well. After time, you'll be able to gauge size just by sight. Until then, be extra careful handling the bugs. If you cause a lobster to lose a claw, it will not molt again until it regrows the limb i.e. get big enough to keep
Another tip is that the reason your secret spot is sooooo good is that it's a SECRET
That's not to say that you shouldn't share, just be very careful who you tell and take. I made the mistake of telling a diver I had never dove with about a great new spot not listed on any dive site or map and the next weekend I met 6 different divers at my spot (In 5 years I had never seen another diver there). Bad luck? Maybe. My new rule is : Dive with me first and we'll talk special spots post-dive
P.S. Here's my haul from last Sunday

P.S. Here's my haul from last Sunday