My name is Randy and I live in Louisiana. I'm new to the sport of diving and looking forward to many wonderful adventures. It seems that I've spent far too much of my life working and far too little living, I'm now at the point where I have the time and resources to pursue all my dreams.
I've traveled a great deal with my work, seen most of the US and a great deal of Europe. I've run marathons, competed in triathalons, climbed mountains but never spent any time under water.
As a kid I loved Seahunt and wanted to be Mike Nelson when I grew up. I'm now looking for individuals or groups to take dive trips with. Especially ones who don't mind a novice tagging along.
My name is Randy and I live in Louisiana. I'm new to the sport of diving and looking forward to many wonderful adventures. It seems that I've spent far too much of my life working and far too little living, I'm now at the point where I have the time and resources to pursue all my dreams.
I've traveled a great deal with my work, seen most of the US and a great deal of Europe. I've run marathons, competed in triathalons, climbed mountains but never spent any time under water.
As a kid I loved Seahunt and wanted to be Mike Nelson when I grew up. I'm now looking for individuals or groups to take dive trips with. Especially ones who don't mind a novice tagging along.