New diver looking at 'puter

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Creston, BC,Canada
# of dives
100 - 199
I am a very new diver and am looking at buying my first computer ( i say first cause everyone I've met diving has multiple everything as they upgrade) What suggestions would you wonderful folks have for a dumb newbie with not enough money and too many kids also diving:)

Suunto Vyper, all the features you need, and the abilty to be used in gauge mode, for when you decide to get more "technical"

Do a search on computers for plethora of threads.

Anyone wanna start the hoseless debate?
What kinda cherries are we talking here... bing?

And what kinda diving are you doing now and what kind of diving are you planning on doing?

And will you all be diving at the same time... the whole family that is?

Did you learn how to use tables in your OW class?
Bing ..Bing ..We dont grow no stinkin bing hehehe Actually
Bings are an old variety what we grow Lapins and sweethearts are much better and way bigger. Picked a cherry this summer that was 1.5 inches around came in at 22 grams. now thats a cherry :D

We just got certified and live in the Rockies at about 2200 ft so most of our local diving will be done in lakes above 2k ft.
since our season is February to September we plan on doing alot of Dive travel say 1-2 trips a winter. ( wife dosent know it yet but Cozumel is top of my list for Spring.wont tell her until just before) Maui in December with kidsall of them will be diving too we cert. as a family wife and 4 daughters bought two sets of gear and masks fins and snorkles for all.

Yep I fully understand the dive tables and feel very comfortable with the concepts, Kinda like density altitude in reverse :) ,however, Being new I really want to have some surety underwater that my data is right and have an accurate read of depth beyond that hard to see gauge on my instruments. So far in my ignorangce two Kinds spring out the Suunto line and Oceanic ( the datamatic plus one sure looks visible but mucho dinero)
For a Great Dive Computer you can't go past the Uwatec brand
for my money the best computer on the market,

Or just hit Ebay, there are always plenty of second hand computers about.

Anyone wanna start the hoseless debate?
With the whole family diving on a budget I don't think Hoseless is going to be an option.....
As UP says, "Suunto=conservative"

The algorithms in the Suunto and its parameters have been well-tested and the RGBM is arguably the most advanced and well-founded model for avoiding DCI. That said, for recreational diving, a good set of tables, a dive plan, and diving the plan does exactly the same. Also, within recreational limits, most algorithms are about the same, however, the level of conservatism is different between manufacturers.

The Mosquito won't have you paying for a fancy case, and can easily become that BC-pocket resident backup in the future when you decide you need a super-duper trimix, heliox, 5-cylinder-air-integrated, dual-redundant, develops profiles on the fly, handles pure 02, ya-de-ya-de-ya-da computer in a couple of years. The wrist-mount Vyper is a little larger, easier to read, but otherwise very similar to the Mosquito (features and price). Choose the size and controls that make sense to you.

Suunto's Dive Manager software is freely downloadable from their website; Once you have it, you can simulate dives with any of their models and see how the screens display information. You can also download the manuals for any of their dive computers from the site to see if the buttons work in a way that your brain can understand. The fanciest computer in the world is little more than another entanglement and distraction hazard if you can't make use of it without thinking.

No matter what brand you select, I would strongly recommend user-replaceable batteries! Too many people moaning about being without their computers because they had to go back to a far-away place for a new battery.
thanks for all the great advice Damn this sport appears to be a constant drain on ones $$. But what the hell eh its fun
The Suunto Vyper - is my choice, easy to use, easy to read, can do Nitrox, user replacable batteries, good memory and PC software. If you are new to the sport and have a reg already I suggest mounting it on the SPG as it means that you can check tank pressure when-ever you check the computer and vice-versa. Otherwise the wrist mount is great esp if traveling.
I have been using Vyper for 3 years now, and just LOVE it!!

Very easy to read underwater, air/nitrox/gauge modes, user friendly, excellent memory and battery life.

It is conservative, but hey, that is precisely why I chose it :D

The PC interface is great for downloading your dive profile after the dives. I could actually monitor my progress (improvements in buoyancy) on my PC :)

I have the wrist mounted version. It looks a bit large on my little wrist, but this has not been a problem at all when diving.
Just remember to take the computer off before your wetsuit :wink:



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