No matter whether you are an ‘ordinary’ scuba diver graybeard, a tech diver graybeard, a long time tech diver, a more ‘recent shower’ tech diver, an intent-on-being/becoming a tech diver, a basic nitrox diver or just an occasional scuba diver, this book’s for you! Even if you think you know the history of technical diving, think again, their will be very few divers no matter what ‘level’ that do not learn something new about the history of tech’s formative years in this book by Simon Pridmore. Simply a must read even if you only have a passing interest in ‘technical diving’.
As I am sure
@Marie13 would attest to, it’s worth buying just for a deep dive into the ‘nitrox wars’ (even if we all know who won that one

Oh, and don't let the subtitle 'Talks On Technical Diving' put you off, it is not written in a dry 'talk-like' format by any means. Far from it!
Preface 5
1. Gentile’s Judgement 11
2. Crucible 23
3. Emergence 45
4. A Brief History of Nitrox 63
5. Uncivil War 1 75
6. Uncivil War 2 105
7. Cometh the hour… 135
8. Expansion 1 151
9. Expansion 2 179
10. Closing the Loop 223
11. The PO2 Story 269
The Andrea Doria's Haunting Call 285
High Tech for the Deep 291
A Technically Speaking Timeline 297
Dramatis Personae 313
About the Author 329
Also by Simon Pridmore 331
Acknowledgements 333
A Technical Diving Bibliography 335
Selected Sources and Further Reading 341