I've been diving my B1 since 1999 - the only Reg I've ever personally owned.
And with that tiny tee - I often get "bubblehood" if I'm not motoring along. The bubbles creep up my cherubic cheeks and into my hood.
If I'm in cruise control, or hovering, bubblehood for sure.
This weekend was my first dive with the $25 M1 Exhause Tee upgrade. My dive was noticeably quieter, and no bubble hood at any speed.
Often some stuff is so mych hype and hoopla...this is the real deal. I was completely skeptical - but I noticed a difference when I switched to the Z1 on the necklace and back to my primary with the wider Tee.
If you got the Atomic direct mailer a couple of weeks ago and are thinking about the upgrade, I highly recommend it.
And with that tiny tee - I often get "bubblehood" if I'm not motoring along. The bubbles creep up my cherubic cheeks and into my hood.
If I'm in cruise control, or hovering, bubblehood for sure.
This weekend was my first dive with the $25 M1 Exhause Tee upgrade. My dive was noticeably quieter, and no bubble hood at any speed.
Often some stuff is so mych hype and hoopla...this is the real deal. I was completely skeptical - but I noticed a difference when I switched to the Z1 on the necklace and back to my primary with the wider Tee.
If you got the Atomic direct mailer a couple of weeks ago and are thinking about the upgrade, I highly recommend it.