Oh, I understand that. But it’s also Apple’s (and Oceanic’s) name on the product, so unintended behavior during a dive would be something they’d want to avoid. As they’d be the ones named in the lawsuit, should there be an injury.
Yeah, people always bring up lawsuits and liability, but I doubt that's really much of an issue. I mean, every dive computer company out there has the same potential exposure, and they have plenty of disclaimers. My Shearwater controller won't even start up without you clicking the "I accept risk and certify that I'm trained" button.
So since Apple probably has more lawyers than Shearwater has bungee straps, I doubt that they would disable app switching just for legal reasons...
Allowing unrestricted access to all other apps would be something they’d likely want to avoid. Plenty of other tasks during the dive, so adding more by switching apps could be problematic. Especially since the touch screen is non functional underwater.
I guess there are two arguments against allowing app switching. The first is a software argument - running multiple processes simultaneously increases the chance of a conflict and a hang. The second is a dive training argument, that you don't want to distract a diver during a dive.
I can't imagine the second concern really being incorporated into a marketed product. Divers do all sorts of complex tasks while diving (photography, spearfishing, artifact recovery, mapping, etc.._. Sure, that adds to risk from task loading, especially for inexperienced divers. But I can't think of any other area where those sort of protections are hardwired into the gear....
Hell, Apple even lets you text and drive, which is a lot more dangerous than Instagram on deco!