New Aeris Download Software

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I'm running 1.0.2
I read about some problems with 1.0.7 so I never updated to it.
I hounded Aeris to get me a list of fixes/updates that were in the
1.0.7 release. After about a month, they forwarded me
the information directly from the developer at Pelagic.
It was a wimpy response that didnt' really indicate anything.

I had very similar hang/crash/slowness problems with my 1.0.2
when I applied the USB patch to my 1.0.2
I ended up having to completely uninstall everything and reload
and re-create all my dive data.

I am using the Oceanic USB to Serial interface rather than
the Aeris. Not sure if that makes a difference. It might.

I'll send this new information off to Aeris/Oceanic
and keep pushing on them.

--- bill
I agree. that was a quick install then uninstall
The new software sounds promising but I think that I will wait for a more stable release. May it come mercifully soon.
I received this same notice from Aeris. I have the Aeris Atmos 2 and found that the original software was terrible (as are many of the other dive computer manufacturers' PC software). I went ahead and made the investment in Scubase as it is a more complete dive logging software which supports the Aeris dive computer.

Now I only use ACI (1.0.7) as a conduit to Scubase, I download the dives with ACI and import them directly into Scubase. I have checked with Scubase and they say that the database for ACI 2.0 cannot be directly imported to Scubase (Aeris has password protected the database), you must use the export feature in ACI first, which is similar to the way the Atom works.

Website for Scubase -
Scubase support forum response to ACI 2.0
Another update on the Aeris s/w.
I've been working fairly closely with them over the past couple of
weeks and I can say, they have been VERY responsive.
They have posted an updated release (2.0.2) and it addressed
many items from the original 2.0.0/2.0.1 release.
You can download it here: Aeris S/W

A few screen Shots are attached for those that haven't
seen the 2.x stuff yet.

I'll preface all of this by saying all of my testing and playing
with the s/w was on a Win98SE machine using the
Oceanic download cable. I'm assuming it
applies to the other OS's but you never know.
(Another story how I ended up with the Oceanic cable rather
than the Aeris)

I think its a really nice release. I think they've done a pretty good
job at updating the s/w with quite a few changes/update/fixes
in a short amount of time.

While I'm not sure if this release is compatible with things
like Scubase, it seems to be a much nicer & easier to use
version than the older 1.x or original 2.0.0/2.0.1 software.
Much better integrated and lots of new features over the 1.x s/w.
Fixed alot of little things from the 2.0.0/2.0.1 release.

Don't be discouraged by the somewhat lacking Instructions on the
WEB page of how to use the full vs patch files.
(I'll try to push them to update these)
In the mean time here is some additional information about installs & patches.

If you are using 2.0.0/2.0.1 the patch file appears to update
those releases to 2.0.2. However, there are some directory
differences and install differences with the full 2.0.2 release
so patching a 2.0.0/2.0.1 doesn't give you quite the same
thing as doing the full install. It does appear to work ok
after patching the older 2.0.0/2.0.1 release.
(Again I did this on Win98 other OS's may be different)
The patch is not needed if you install the full 2.0.2 release.

I installed the 2.0.2 release on a freshly loaded Win98 machine.
I did use the 1.x CD for the USB drivers that were needed
as soon as I plugged in the download cable.

It does not appear to interfere with the 1.x release. I've
installed it and uninstalled many times for testing and it
left the old 1.x release stuff alone. (Its in a different directory)

If you don't have too much data entered from the 2.0.0/2.0.1
release, I'd recommend uninstalling it and installing the
full 2.0.2 release, at least on Win98.

The log files are still MS ACCESS but the DB file format is
slightly different. I'm not very knowledgeable about ACCESS
and I'm not sure how Scubase or others do their
imports so there may be an issue there.
Access files are password protected so if you don't have
an Access password cracker, search on scubaboard
and there is another posting that has the password.

Now for a few of the details.
Most of this will only be interesting to those that already tried
Some of these are nice details that make things easier.

The big items to me are:
- Name used in Win98 Add/Remove programs is now different
This means you tell the 1.x from 2.x release if you want/need
to remove one of them.

- No more dealing with LTD (Life Time Dive) #.
It maintains this for you and sorts by date/time.
This is really nice.

- Using the Large Fonts on Win98 now works properly

- Ability to export all dives (including manual dives) and
multiple at a time now.

- SI intervals can now be longer than 12:59 (was a bug)

- Documentation updates which make it easier to figure out
how to initiate downloads as well as document some
things that were previously undocumented.

One of the limitations that you need to be aware of is you
cannot import data into an existing dive log file. So, don't start
using this for some new dives and then want to import some old dives.
Import is a one shot deal. You can only import all your old 1.x
dives into a new dive log file. There is also no way to import
dives from one log to another log.
Like if you imported dives on your laptop that you wanted
to move them onto your desktop.
(You can re-download from the Dive Computer if they are all still there)
I'll offer a suggestion to them to see if they can expand on
the import capabilities. For now, its a limitation.

SAC rates aren't there yet. But I'd be willing to be bet
that it will be coming in a future release. They have
nearly everything to calculate it. (just need max tank PSI).

Here is the data directly from their release change/log:
2.X Change Log
A lot of these are pretty cryptic descriptions. Many of these
are subtle fixes/changes that correct things or make things
* Save the last selected DC model for the next download
* Add Min Temp in Dive feature
* In Dive Computer Settings, hide the Time Setting info when Change Date/Time mode is not selected
* Zoom In/Out in Details when the display resolution change
* Change Warmest to Warmest Min. Temp. in History and Queries
* Extreme options in Queries allows only one selection
* Add "Personal" Heading
* Add words: Green, Yellow and Red for the Max NiBG Alarm in Dive Computer Settings
* Message "Do you want to backup dive log?" grammar correction
* Change Aeris Computer Interface to Aeris Computer Interface 2.x
* Life Time Dive Number
* Add additional options for Export Dive Details: single, multiple dives
* Import Dive Details will import dive memo
* Import Dive Details will update the Life Time Dive Number
* PDC Dive Number, PDC Model, PDC Serial Number can be modified and can be blank.
* Surface Interval can be up to 99:59
* Change copyright 2005 to copyright 2006

--- Bill
Has anyone been able to print with version 2.x? I can't. I've tried various network printers, printing to files, etc., but nothing actually happens.

I'm not thrilled with the 2.x code. It graphically looks a little better, and they've added more fields to record info and sort by, but the stuff is on too many different pages. I find my self flipping from page to page all the time. And since only the date is displayed, and not the dive location, as I'm flipping about, I find myself getting lost.

Another thing that I miss is a place to put all my dive certification info.

Lastly, has anyone noticed the "DM Modified" flag being set on some of their dives? I have it on 3-4 of 35 dives. I certainly don't remember accidently modifying the dive, and if I did, I wish the program would have warned me.
I haven't had any problem printing. I'm running Win98SE.
Interesting comment about the location missing.
I'm assuming you mean in the Dive Listing dropdown box.
I tend to advance through the dives using the blue right arrow [next dive] button.
You may want to send some feedback to Aeris/Oceanic about
what you like/dislike about it. Lately, they've been pretty
receptive to user feedback.

--- bill
I downloaded the software last night, and I like it better than the original. I haven't had any problem printing or doing anything with it. It's a little more user friendly, but like most programs, still has room for improvement.

The "DM Modified" thing came up on mine when I added the size of my tanks on the dive. Figured that anytime you did anything to that first screen, it showed "modified".
Doug Krause:
OK - thanks for the feedback and patience. We've just uploaded a new version (2.0.3) where we have addressed many of the items reported here, as well as incorporated SAC calculations.

Thanks for the feedback; keep it coming.


First of all, thanks to all the SB members and bperrybap for all of the hard work on this! It's this kind of thing that keeps me coming back to SB!:10:

Also, thanks Doug Krause! This may seem like a small thing to some, but your past software was my ONLY real complaint about your company and product. Thanks for giving me nothing to complain about!:D

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