I actually agree on all counts.
I noticed with my previous Ike G9 housing that my right hand often was holding the housing not the right handle.
The PT-EP01 is even more ergonomic in this respect.
I haven't had a chance to dive with this yet, but there are 2 things about the 10-bar housing I wish the Oly had.
The ability to pop up the flash underwater and the ability to manually focus.
BTW. That ZEN dome port is a tight fit compared to the standard port.
I don't think changing ports, to use my macro wet lenses, is something I want to do on a small boat.
I don't feel a need to have a "pop-up" capability on the PEN... (just me).
Manual focus would be a niceity
Hmmm... I don't kow if I agree on the port change - but I'd really have to see in action what I really think. I really much rather have an option to shoot macro using the 42mm side of the 14-42mm lens with a macro adaptor instead (which is very feasible as I still have the original port).