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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
There needs to be an MRI or ones skull to see if contains any gray matter prior to allowing anyone to purchase a boat of any size.

Last night we get a call of a sinking boat up at the north end of the county. So I roll up there with no intentions on the team making a dive unless something is suspicious and we need it for evidence.

While I’m on my way I learn that it’s a live aboard cabin cruiser and the RP thinks somebody pulled the plug on it.

I get there and they tell me they were getting it ready to take it to Hawaii. Not ship it to Hawaii but take it to Hawaii and then tour the islands in it. So I’m thinking this is one big one that the team may be making some dives on.

So I ask where it’s at. They point to the first dock where I can see the bow of an older SMALL trailer boat that is 90% sunk. My reaction is THAT’S IT? :11:At first I thought they were kidding about Hawaii but my reaction offended them and it took a while to get back on track. One of the Firemen had to walk away so they wouldn’t see him busting a gut.:rofl3:

They were trying to figure out how to carry enough gas to get to Hawaii in a 1980 17’ Glasply Cutty with a 350 in it. Politically correct me, not, again asks them if their kidding. :11:Ooops, smooth it over again. They then said if they couldn’t get enough gas they were going to ship it over in a container and then just tour the islands.:shakehead:

So now it’s time to start the investigation. They were down at the boat last week. Give me a date. 112607. Um, that’s a month ago. No November wasn’t that far away was it? Maybe not, this is only Christmas Eve.:confused:

Turns out they covered the boat with a cheapo blue tarp that was roughly 20’ x 20’. That left about a 5 foot overhang at the water surface on each side but didn’t quite cover the boat bow to stern. Part of the bow and stern were left exposed.

So we have had a couple of inches of rain over the past couple of days and guess where that water went? Right off the tarp and right into the boat. But that’s ok because it has a water Pumper Outer thing. Um, I don’t see a shore power cord. What’s that? Power to keep the batteries charged. We don’t need that because we aren’t using any power. DUH, the bilge pump draws on the batteries and they need to be charged. Why would it be running we covered it up. :confused:

Ok, I know I’m dealing with people who should not go near the water but where’s Allen Funt? :crafty:Here’s your report number and in the morning call a commercial diver to get this thing out asap.

I’m ready to walk away when one of the firemen, god love them, cracks off with; “Where you going to launch the boat for the Hawaii trip?” They said they didn’t know so he suggested just going from here because the Navy gets the submarines in and out of here all the time. :rofl3:

Ok if a complaint comes in now it going to the fire station not my office. I got out when the getting was good and left them talking about it.

And these people have children.

Gary D.
Gary tell them that we have a bridge up here in minn. that they can buy cheep and we will through in a HS person with it.
PS does your SO need a training film on what to do when a bridge falls in the water.

Why do I get the feeling there's some major payback coming in a certain fireman's future?
Ah stupid people. They're so ammusing.

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