What do you think Nestle will do? Probably nothing nada and squat in that precise order. They will find a way to make the water they pump out drinkable and that's about it. Meanwhile, there will be more pressure on the water table and more salt water intrusion.
Yes you are right it is another straw in the ground, just like all the people moving to north central Florida, and other development. Things will never be the same as William Bartam described, and as I remember when I started cave diving. One of the biggest threats to the springs we like to visit is nutrient loading, and it has been shown to have permanently effected some springs,but this is something we can't blame the water bottling companies for this. Worthwhile for people to become aware of the real threats to the north Florida springs, because that information can be easily found at places like the Suwannee River Water Management web site.