There isn't any amount of "luxury" or "upscale" experience that would get my on the Sun Dancer vs. the Pilot after watching the Sun Dancer pitch and yaw horribly during the storm in Belize in December. As we were eating dinner on the Pilot, we watched the Sun Dancer's lights disappear and reappear as she pitched in the storm, while on the Pilot our dishes weren't even moving on the table. All of us at dinner agreed that not many folks were eating on the Sun Dancer that night!
As somone with motion sick issues (must wear a patch), the SWATH design of the Nekton boats totally sold itself to me on this trip. I will always choose it over a traditional hull for my comfort, since "luxury" doesn't matter much when you're sick and puking.
I agree about what Nekton charges for Nitrox, which is why we chose to dive air in Belize. We dove 4x a day everyday (except one when the storm prevented our 2nd afternoon dive), and never had a problem with nitrogen loading. It simply required a little more attention to our profiles, extra long safety stops, and some shallow diving to off-gas on each of our dives, but we never even got close to the red on our computers, and barely saw yellow.
We'll do the same thing on our Cay Sal Nekton cruise next year. Dive air and just pay extra attention to what we're doing with safety being more important than anything. Nitrox would be much better, but the extra money for Nitrox is going to pay for an extra 3 days to dive in Key Largo before we board the Pilot. And if my choice is 3 extra days of vacation vs. Nitrox, I'll take the vacation!