Need Women's help on this one.....Please

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Rusk, Texas
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200 - 499
Ok, ladies I need your help. I have only so much I Knowledge about this subject(being a man). My 12 y/o daughter has recently come of age so to speak and has become very subconscious about going in the water during her period, fearing that someone will know or something. She trully loves to dive and this really brings us together. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Your daughter is only having a very natural reaction. Of course as long as she is wearing tampons she can go into the water and dive and noone will ever know.
But it does take a while for any girl to get used to having her period. Can you imagine shedding blood from the most intimate part of your body ? A part that a young girl might view as "dirty" as it is related to sexuality ? It's a weird feeling that I wouldn't be able to explain. A mix of shame, selfconsciousness, fear.

Besides, it is something very mysterious, as every woman is different and needs time to know how her specific cycle works (different flows on different days mean using different "equipment" to make sure you stay dry).

In my opinion, the best thing you can do right now is to let her get used to becoming a woman and be understanding if she doesn't want to go diving on those days.

Depending on how open of a relationship you have, you might talk with her about it, suggesting that you schedule your diving trips when she doesn't have her period until she feels more comfortable (keep in mind though that at the beginning periods are often not regular).

But if you sense that she doesn't like to talk about it with you, just let it go, don't question her or try to have her talk about it with other people you feel might "help" (she is not suffering from a problem and probably has lots of girlfriends whom she can share that experience with) and be patient. She'll eventually grow out of that selfconsciousness, but that may take months or years.

It's just a normal part of growing up and becoming a woman and there's not much you can do about it.

Besides, a period only lasts one week a month at the most... That still leaves you plenty of time to enjoy diving as a family.

Good luck
If there are women in your circle of diving friends perhaps they could help her feel more at ease. Otherwise I agree wholeheartedly with Anne-Laure.
From one Dad to another--I have 5 daughters. Four are now adults and the youngest is 16. So I've kind of been there done that from your side of the issue. The best advice I can give is to follow the very excellent advice already given in the fabulous post by Anne-Laure. You'll soon pick up on when she is "able" to dive and when she's not. Schedule accordingly. As she gets older and used to the whole issue it will become less of an issue and she will have more days "able" to dive.

I will point out one other thing just for future reference. There are several threads on scubaboard and diving during menstruation--some of them regarding the issue of blood and sharks. You may want to research those and have answers for her it she asks about it.
Please keep in mind that many doctors dont think 12 year old girls should be using tampons. Also most 12 yr old girls are not emotionally ready to be using tampons. Think about being 12 years old and being asked to put a foreign object into your body. As she gets older, she will learn to adjust to whatever makes her comfortable.
Please keep in mind that many doctors dont think 12 year old girls should be using tampons. Also most 12 yr old girls are not emotionally ready to be using tampons. Think about being 12 years old and being asked to put a foreign object into your body. As she gets older, she will learn to adjust to whatever makes her comfortable.

I'm sorry, but I'm unaware of doctors advising against using tampons at any age. Can you provide links to information about this?

Frankly, at 12 years of age I would have loved the option of using a tampon... it is so much less restricting than using a pad, especially when it comes to swimming, etc.
Please keep in mind that many doctors dont think 12 year old girls should be using tampons. Also most 12 yr old girls are not emotionally ready to be using tampons. Think about being 12 years old and being asked to put a foreign object into your body. As she gets older, she will learn to adjust to whatever makes her comfortable.

That used to be the case, and with some older (and male) doctors it may still be. Now there are tampons designed for teens - they even get commercial air time and lots of print ads in magazines for their customer base. It's more of a personal decision for the girl and her mother or parent to determine what to use and when. I know that when I was that age and a couple years older I would have rather had tampons and actually did take some of my mothers. She was of the old mindset that you should only use them after you lost your virginity... thank goodness for girls today that that sort of thinking is long gone.

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