Need some reassurance....or not...?? AOW

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Point Loma, CA
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0 - 24
I got OW certified from my LDS last September. Since then, I've done a handful of pool dives and a 5 day Great White shark cage diving trip (mostly surface cages with a trip to 60' if you were certified). I just recently signed up for the AOW class so I can go night diving and possibly dive some of the wrecks down here in San Diego. I'm paranoid by nature and since I don't have a lot of dives under my belt, EXTREMELY nervous. The Instructor told me that it would be fine(and fun), and that the only pre-requisite was OW certification....I'm mostly nervous of the deep dive and the night dive. I think a big part of my night-dive worry stems from the fact that for our OW checkout dives, the visibility was about 3' max with a fairly strong surge, and it was a chore just to keep an eye on your buddy. I can't IMAGINE diving in that visibility at night with the lights being the only thing to follow.....Should I put it off and get more dives under my belt or just go for it and try to relax and enjoy it?? I'm also a bit worried that I'll be the "new guy" with the other class members way more experienced....Hmmm.....Thoughts? I really do WANT to do it, it's just that every possible emergency scenario is popping up in my head! Thanks for any advice or first hand experience stories!!
By the way, I have a ton of awesome pics and video from the Isla Guadalupe GWS trip if anyone is interested....
It sounds like more diving would build your confidence. I love wreck diving. You will go down on a line and you will have someone near you at all times. Night dives do take some getting used to. You will have a light and so will everyone else, so it's not complete darkness down there. If you are able to even do some practicing in the pool, I think you will feel more confident about doing your AOW course.
i've been dying to ask the right person this question

what is the point of getting the AOW when you just got your OW certification and didn't really do any dives?
does it make one feel that taking an AOW will make them a better diver and all of a sudden they will be more knowledgeable?

please help me understand, why?

my personal opinion?

get more dives before doing the AOW

you don't need any reassurance because you are already worried and with that state of mind there is no way you will be able to just "relax and enjoy it"
Generally speaking the AOW course lacks a lot of substance. It's just five dives with some light book work where you get to be supervised. You'd be better off just diving and getting your confidence up. Seek out specific training when you need it - for wrecks, specifically, though I'd hold off on that for now. You don't need any card to wander into La Jolla Shores at night, all you need is a buddy and a couple of lights.
What is it that your want to do that you can't do without AOW and that AOW will enable you to do?

I have not been able to answer that for me which is why I continue to put off AOW. I am beginning to think I may never do it.
No, it will not make me think I'm a better diver....Just open to more experiences out here, specifically night dives. The local clubs do a LOT of night dives at La Jolla shores and I'd like to join them. The "night" thing is just a fear of mine. In all honesty, I can see myself doing a TON of dives this summer in the 40'-80' range during the day, I would like the ability to dive some of the wrecks out here, and I am REALLY looking forward to the navigation dive as a confidence booster. I get the whole "c-cards don't make you a better diver" thing.....That's not what I'm after at all.
You seem like a great candidate for AOW. It will give you the opportunity to gain the experience that others are recommending in a safe, controlled environment with an instructor on hand. If you are nervous, what better way to gain that experience. Get your confidence up, as mathauck0814 suggests, in a safe way - not by just wandering into the water in the dark on your own. AOW neither "makes" you an advanced diver, nor does it require that you ARE an advanced diver before beginning, but it IS a good way for new divers to gain experience safely.

just my two cents, and I'm a PADI instructor so you will, of course, have to take them for what they're worth. :blinking:
Take the course! It will be GREAT... or suck terribly.. it mostly depends on your instructor and YOUR attitude. I would recommend a few tune up dives, even if they are in the pool before the course starts. An AOW course is a great way to gain experience and benefit from the added safety and confidence that a good instructor brings to the table. Don't worry about other people being better than you are in the class.. I bet none of them have even seen a GWS!

You are not going to be "advanced" by the end of the course, but I always encourage people to take more training if that is something that seems interesting.
"You are not going to be "advanced" by the end of the course, but I always encourage people to take more training if that is something that seems interesting."
Thanks. That's exactly why I signed up, plus having an instructor(as you mentioned) with me for added confidence.
Thanks. That's exactly why I signed up, plus having an instructor(as you mentioned) with me for added confidence.

if all you need is more training why not take the OW course again?

if you need the confidence of your instructor after you passed your OW certification i think there's a problem there
with proper training you should be confident enough to go diving on your own

perhaps try a different agency

may i ask who did you take your OW with and how long was the course?

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