Need opinions on this dive package

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Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
# of dives
100 - 199
What do you guys think of this dive package. It would be from a LDS. As well, this is where I'd like to buy the equipment due to service, life support issues, things like that.

Seaquest Balance BCD
Aqualung Titan Micra ADJ Reg
Aqualung LPO Octo
Aqualung Analog guages

=$905. I thought this was pretty good, b/c they are giving a good discount b/c my g/f and I are both buying gear at the same time. What do you guys think? I need opinions ASAP, as we are about to do this.
Oh, by the way, f the dive shop says they will give a certian discount, and you have some leverage that your girlfriend and you are both gonna buy equipment, and your girlfriend got certified thru this dive shop, would you negotiate the price? Or is that not acceptable?
Originally posted by KidK9
would you negotiate the price? Or is that not acceptable?
I would think that the LDS would prefer that you pay double for all your purchases just because you think they are a fine establishment worthy of the extra support....

However I personally think that you should negotiate everything and if you find them intractable shop for a new shop.

In other words it is not acceptable that negotiating is not acceptable.
Ok, so what would you guys offer on this particular setup if $905 is what they quoted you at.
The only thing in your list that I have used is the Balance and I love it. Isn't bulky and it has giving me very good trim. Sorry I don't know about the rest. But I am sure someone more knowledgable than I will be along shortly.

Originally posted by KidK9
Ok, so what would you guys offer on this particular setup if $905 is what they quoted you at.
I wouldn't offer them less....
I would try to get more....

You still need an exposure suit, tanks and weights assuming that you already have mask, fins and (aakkkkppffftttt) snorkel from taking the class.

How about negotiating either free or reduced rental on these items for a period of time until you can afford to buy them.

You will probably also need air for the tank.

How about an air card or two... or three... each. The art of negotiating cannot be learned without practice but at least you see the potential.

Negotiate items that you need but do not directly take money out of their till (and these items are often thrown in as inducements by a progressive LDS.)

Now for the coup de grace: Who can resist more money? Shop keepers are geared toward beating back lower offers. If you come at them with a higher offer you throw them out of their game plan.

I might even offer more....
To get even more....

"I know you are asking $905 for this package.... but since both my girl friend and I are buying...."

They immediately go into negotiating resistance mode.

".... I want to offer you $1000."

Pause for effect looking down as if thinking. Don't drag this out if they remain silent but if they ask "Why?" or gasp and exclaim "What?" you have them in a good place.

Explain your needs and intent to purchase the additional needed items from them. Explain the uselessness of this present purchase without those extra needed items. Explain how they can help... how they can not only make this present sale possible and meaningful but also secure your future purchases. Don't take more than 15 seconds getting this across and then shut up. Wait... patiently.... even if the first comments are protests.... stand there and wait.... saying nothing, looking down and only occasionally looking up.

If they appear intractable... simply say, "Well, thank you, please think about it and give me a call." Walk out still looking down. If the are the only LDS in town and you are committed to buying from them you might have to go back the next day and re-enter into negotiations... moving either your offer up to get more or down accepting less but keep the target moving.

Settle in your mind ahead of time that you must win some concession in the negotiations.

BTW.... many years ago I made it a practice to get an air card for every major piece of gear purchased. I didn't ever use them because they usually gave me air or I filled while at work at the FD. After several years I had quite a few cards. I took the cards in one day and they gave me store credit for the value since I didn't need the cards.
I like the equipment package. I prefer buying things through my LDS but I always like to check the price against the Internet. About the best that you could get on the Internet would be around $800 after shipping (LP). (That would mean dealer warranties and not manufactures.) Your cost difference is approximately 12%. That seems very reasonable to me for the added services that you get from a good LDS. Go for it. Keep in mind, it is always fun to play Uncle Pug's game. (He sounds good at doesn't he?) The last purchase that I made at my LDS (around $200) included a free dive knife. The dive knife almost made up the entire % difference. Buy it, dive it and have fun. :)
I like Uncle Pug's approach - keep negotiating especially since on the face of it you are paying around $100 more than the Internet price x 2. There are so many variations to bring into the negotiation. Remember it's not always the price - it's what you get for the price, and go for concessions which may not cost them as much as the value to you.
Ok, so I have mask, snorkel, fins, and a 3/2 shorty. My g/f has mask, fins, snorkel. So what about trying this offer - for $1000 a piece, they throw in weights for us both, a shorty for my g/f, and two tanks, maybe even a $30 dive knife. Do you guys think this would work?
Make them a proposal - "If you'll also give us x, y, z then I'll pay $xxx"

Remember a proposal always beats an argument and always put the If before the then.

Also the chances of them withdrawing the offer they've already made to you must be remote.

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