Lemme know what you find. I think I'm gonna start my Drysuit quest soon. I'm gettin' a little tired of being the only "screwball" in the group. Or maybe I'm the only "man" in the group...naah!
And I mis-informed you about the drysuit. Its a Dacor not a Mares for $679.
Well, I started my quest today with an email to Bare to get some basic questions answered. I was really impressed by how quickly they responded.
Anyway, I thought I'd post both my email and their response here. That way, you'll have this info too. Plus, I think Ted and Ray might be interested in their response regarding the wrist seals.
I may need to get more info from you about the MN shop that does alterations. If I can find a stock size that fits, I'm pretty sure I'll need to get the arms and legs shortened.
My email to Bare:
Hi there.
I was visiting your website and looking at the Nex-Gen drysuits. I have four questions that I'm hoping you will answer for me.
1. Can the Nex-Gen be ordered with added suspenders?
2. Is the material in the Nex-Gen suitable for recreational wreck diving and how well will it stand up against the zebra mussels in the Great Lakes?
3. The wrist seals in the Nex-Gen have a shape with which I am unfamiliar. Is that type of wrist seal trimmable for fit?
4. It appears from your website that the Nex-Gen is not available as Made-to-order. But, can a stock size be ordered with a request to have the arms and legs shortened?
I'd really appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you in advance.
Bare's response:
Hello Maxine,
Thank you for your inquiry into the Bare brand, and specifically the Nex-Gen drysuit. Let me start at the top of your questions and work down from there.
1) Yes the Nex-Gen can be ordered with Suspenders. There is a minor delay of shipping then, and if the store has one in stock, then they may choose to send that one in and have the suspenders added.
2) The material should work just fine, please note that all drysuits are susceptible to puncture if enough pressure is applied. So if you are diving with reasonable care then you should have many years of worry free suit.
3) The wrist seals are called "Bottle Neck" and they are not to be trimmed, but instead if needed they can be stretched. You would put a pop bottle into them and leave it over night and stretch to your desired length.
4) As for adjustments, the Nex-Gen is the one suit that doesn't offer any. We sell it to our dealers as is, like a pair jeans. Thus allowing for the price point and the consumer to go diving right away.
I hope all your questions have been answered and let us know if you have any other questions.