So last month I came across a guy who was selling two AL80's. they were born on 6/08 and 7/08. Last VIP's were 7/12. Anyways given the age of these tanks and the fact that they were o2 clean and in pristine condition with DIN valves I bought them in 8/13. They were about 2 months out of hydro and VIP. So to make a long story short I just got the call from my LDS that one of them failed VIP due to pitting so therefore they wouldn't hydro it. The other one passed. I wanted to know what would you guys do? Try to get my money back, or just eat the money and keep the valve? I'm kinda pissed but I know that is a risk if you buy tanks that are out of inspection. I just wanted to know is there some diver code to follow in this case or what should I do?