Because if you go from the assumption that anything and everything can be re-engineered and improved upon by an intelligent but untrained and unexperienced person
I said I do question everything. I did not say that I try and re-engineer and improve everything. I question things so that I will understand why they are the way they are. It's a lot easier to remember how to do things correctly when you understand WHY they are done that way. It's also a lot easier to detect when something is wrong and maybe how to fix it, when you know why things are the way they are.
In the case of the reg necklace, it is my understanding that that is something that has come from the Tech diving world and is starting to catch on in Rec diving. In Tech diving, I imagine that ONE of the reasons for the reg necklace is that it offers the potential for the diver to use it without having to use their hands. I don't think that's a concern for Rec diving, thus leading me to wonder if one would do things differently if the functional requirement to be able to begin using it without using your hands were taken away, and if the alternatives (when you don't have that requirement) would be an improvement in any way, for Rec diving. So, to your point about a hundred years of refinement, etc., I ask - has a reg necklace really been in use in Rec diving for that long, or is the reg necklace a somewhat newer concept in Rec diving that might yet be subject to further refinement?
Am I wrong in thinking this setup comes from Tech diving? Am I wrong in thinking that Tech and Rec diving have different requirements? Am I wrong in thinking that a highly refined setup that is the result of one set of requirements is possibly not the best setup when attempting to meet a different set of requirements?
Again, I recognize my inexperience and ignorance. This is why I am asking more experienced and knowledgeable people these questions instead of assuming that my own knowledge and my own line of reasoning is sound and sufficient. And why I'm not just going off with a plan to try it for myself. I recognize that having a "great idea" and going off to "just try it myself" is the kind of thing that could get me or someone else seriously dead.
Finally, regarding people giving a thesis defense - I understand and I am not asking them to. I'm asking if there is anyone who IS able to explain why idea represented by my earlier question is bad and if they are willing to take the time to explain it to me. The people who can't or don't have the time to explain it are certainly under no obligation to respond to my question. Nor is anyone else, for that matter. I just appreciate all the knowledgeable people on here who DO take the time to spell it out for the inexperienced and ignorant people like myself. If I didn't respect the collective wisdom here, I wouldn't ask the questions.
---------- Post added October 29th, 2014 at 01:58 PM ----------
Be careful with this, if your octo come loose from the holder, and float behind you, you may not be able to recovery that easily with a 22" hose especially with thick suit. Imagine a OOA diver rip your primary and you have to search for your octo in this case.
Good point! And exactly why I asked the question.

---------- Post added October 29th, 2014 at 02:03 PM ----------
So, having determined that some people use a bungeed secondary, most people who do don't find their chins bumping it when they look down, and a few people have but don't really care, how is this little survey going to affect your choice of gear? You know you're going to try it at some point, if only out of curiosity.
It means that I expect I will try the reg necklace and, if it does not bother me (as it seems to not bother so many people), I will most likely stick with that, as I believe in conforming to standards unless there is real value to not conforming. Though I still might consider trying the other way - depending on if I feel confident in recovering a reg that has gotten loose and floated behind me, as eelnoraa has pointed out.
If people had responded that the other method I asked about was bad and given solid reasons why (eelnoraa's scenario notwithstanding), then I would understand and I would NOT bother to try the other method. Thinking about eelnoraa's scenario definitely has me thinking that maybe that is sufficient reason all by itself to not try the idea I asked about.